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CIF Certification Report (FPSDR140)

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CIF Certification Report (FPSDR140)

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This report can be run monthly between the 5th and the 25th of the month.



The CIF Certification Report displays changes made during the night to your institution's CIF files using PC software to certify addresses. The information in this report is also stored online on the FPS CIF File Maintenance History screen (Application 9, function 25). This information can be found on the CIF File Maintenance Journal Report (FPSDR084) the same day this report is run.


The CIF Certification Report displays the following information:


1.Household Number

2.Sequence Number

3.Address Line Number used

4.Address Line before/after the change

5.City before/after the change

6.State before/after the change

7.ZIP Code before/after the change

8.ZIP+4 before/after the change

9.Delivery Point before/after the change

10.Carrier Route before/after the change

11.Error Codes

12.Run Updated


When this report is set up, you must also turn on institution option OPT3 CFPC.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Before setting up this report, it is strongly recommended that a test run be requested to check for addresses that should not be corrected. These addresses should be set to address type "10" on the Detailed Address Information screen (Application 9, function 19/20).


Available Sort Options

The following sort fields are available:


80 Time (required)

81 Household Number

82 Update Address Y/N

83 Certified Y/N

84 Error Fields

85 Combine

86 ZIP Code Old

87 ZIP Code New

88 ZIP+4 Old

89 ZIP+4 New

90 Carrier Route Old

91 Carrier Route New



An option is available to remove the error description lines below each error code, yet the Error Codes field is still displayed and each error can be calculated using the Error Calculation Code table. To determine errors, see the Error Calculation Table section of this report's documentation. Removing the error descriptions will make this report significantly shorter.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Set the first miscellaneous option bit to "Y" to turn off the error text description lines.


Report Warehouse

This report has a Report Warehouse index for Household number. See FPSDR140 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading



This column displays the household number of the address.


This column displays the sequence number of the address.  The sequence number is taken from the Household Addresses screen (Application 9, function 17/18).


This column displays a "1," "2," or "C" depending on the address line used in the report.  A "1" means address line 1 was used.  A "2" means address line 2 was used.  A "C" (combine) means both address lines were used.  For more information on combined address lines, see the Combine Parameters section of this report documentation.

Address Line(s)

This column displays the address before and after corrections were made.  The address on top is the address before corrections were made and the address on the bottom is the address after corrections were made.


This column displays the city name before and after corrections were made.  The city name on top is the city name before corrections were made and the city name on the bottom is the city name after corrections were made.


This column displays the state name before and after corrections were made.  The state name on top is the state name before corrections were made and the state name on the bottom is the state name after corrections were made.

ZIP code

This column displays the ZIP Code before and after corrections were made.  The ZIP Code on top is the ZIP Code before corrections were made and the ZIP Code on the bottom is the ZIP Code after corrections were made.

If the ZIP Code + 4 is known, the full ten-digit ZIP Code will be displayed.  The + 4 code will also be displayed before and after corrections were made.  The + 4 code on top is the + 4 code before corrections were made and the + 4 code on the bottom is the + 4 code after corrections were made.


This column displays the delivery point before and after corrections were made.  The delivery point on top is the delivery point before corrections were made and the delivery point on the bottom is the delivery point after corrections were made.


This column displays the carrier route before and after corrections were made.  The carrier route on top is the carrier route before corrections were made and the carrier route on the bottom is the carrier route after corrections were made.

Error Codes

This column displays a "Y" (yes) or an "N" (no).  A "Y" means the PC software CASS certified the new address.  A "N" means the PC software CASS did not certify the new address.  If there is a "Y" in this column, a numeric error code will be displayed next to it.  Below the error code, error descriptions will be displayed.  See the following sections for an explanation of the error descriptions.

Run Updated

This column displays a "Y" (yes) or "N" (no).  A "Y" or "N" will indicate whether an address was updated in the CIF System.  During test runs, if this column displays a "Y," it means the address would have been updated if this had been a real run of the report.


Error Field Descriptions





State not found

The state abbreviation is not a valid two-character abbreviation.


City not found

The city name is not included in the list of cities associated with the specified state.


Street not found

The street is not included in the list of streets associated with the city.  This is usually caused by misspelled street names.


Address not found

The house number cannot be found in the list of addresses associated with the street.  This error can also apply to invalid post office box numbers and rural route addresses.


Uncomputable+4 range

The ZIP+4 code cannot be computed for the address because of non-numeric characters in the house number, the LOW to HIGH, or LO+4 to HI+4 fields of the database.  The correct five-digit ZIP Code will be displayed.


+4 unavailable

A +4 add-on code is not available in the addresses window, indicating that the database thinks this address is still an undeveloped lot.  The correct five-digit ZIP Code will be displayed.


Multiple streets match

The street name is ambiguous because more than one street name in the database matches, and there is not enough information to choose from between the multiple choices.  For example, if "100 E MAIN ST" and "100 W MAIN ST" is listed, then "100 MAIN ST" causes multiple matches.


Multiple addresses match

The ZIP+4 is ambiguous because more than one ZIP+4 matches the address.  For example, if a street has an address for houses numbered from 100 to 500, and another for houses numbered from 300 to 600, then the address 400 is a multiple match to both records.


Time ran out

The optional maximum time limit for processing this address was set too low.


Output too long

The address record exceeds 4000 characters.  Fields at the end of the record will be lost.


Space ran out

Space ran out while processing this address.  This can happen only when the address or alternate address contains an extremely large number of ambiguous words.


Warning Field Descriptions





Company phonetic match used

The company name matched the name found in the database phonetically, but not in spelling.


First company match used

There are multiple addresses that match.  The first of the multiple records will be used to determine the ZIP+4 code.


State determined from city

The state is not a valid two-character abbreviation, but a valid state could be determined from the city name.


State determined from ZIP

The state is not a valid two-character abbreviation, but a valid state could be determined from the ZIP Code.


City phonetic match used

The city is not correct, but was matched to a phonetically equivalent city name.


City determined from ZIP

The city is not correct, but a valid city could be determined from the ZIP Code.


Acceptable city name used

The Postal Service does not consider the city designation acceptable for addressing purposes.  The city needs to be standardized to an allowable name.


Street phonetic match used

The street is not correct, but was matched to a phonetically equivalent street name.  Often words are ignored in the original address for standardization or matching purposes.


Predirection dropped

A street name such as "N MAIN ST" was standardized to "MAIN ST."


Predirection added

A street name such as "MAIN ST" was standardized to "N MAIN ST."


Suffix dropped

A street name such as "BROADWAY AVE" was standardized to "BROADWAY."


Suffix added

A street name such as "MAIN" was standardized to "MAIN ST."


Postdirection dropped

A street name such as "MAIN ST N" was standardized to "MAIN ST."


Postdirection added

A street name such as "MAIN ST" was standardized to "MAIN ST N."


Predirection standardized

A street name such as "NORTH MAIN ST" was standardized to "N MAIN ST."


Street standardized

Non-directional, non-suffix words in a street name were standardized.  For example, "THIRD ST" to "3RD ST," "BOX" to "PO BOX," "RURAL RT" to "RR," and "3 AVE" to "3RD AVE."  This warning also occurs when an alternate street name is used in place of an alias.


Suffix standardized

A street name such as "MAIN STREET" was standardized to "MAIN ST."


Postdirection standardized

A street name such as "MAIN ST NORTH" was standardized to "MAIN ST N."


Street missing

The street is missing.


Alternate address used

There was both an address and an alternate address. The best match was made using the alternate address.


Unit standardized

An address such as "5 MAIN ST SUITE A" was standardized to "5 MAIN ST STE A."


Unit missing

The address should have a unit such as an apartment or suite number, but none was specified.


Unit not found

A unit such as an apartment or suite was specified, but nothing was found.


Unit unverified

A unit such as an apartment or suite was specified and the database indicates units exist at the address, but there is insufficient detail in the database to verify the unit is valid.


Rural box not found

The rural route box number was not found in the database.


Leftovers found

The address contained words that could not match the database.


ZIP not found

The correct city or state name was unable to be determined from the database's list of valid ZIP Codes.


ZIP changed

There is a ZIP Code, but the correct five-digit ZIP Code for the address is different.


+4 changed

There is a +4 code, but the correct +4 code for the address is different.


Route changed

There is a carrier route number, but the correct carrier route number for the address is different.


GOLDPoint Systems Warning Field Descriptions





Corrected address too long

The corrected address was too long to fit into the Address field.


Corrected city too long

The corrected city was too long to fit into the city field.


Error Calculation Table

The Error Calculation Table allows you to read the error code and determine what error descriptions correspond to the error code. The numbers across the top of the table correspond to the error position column in the error code. The numbers along the side of the table correspond to the field value contained within each error position column.


For example, select the error code "040C0000000." The second error position column has a value of "4." Looking at the field values along the side of the table, locate the value "4." Then find the error position column labeled "2" for the second error position column. Find the box where they intersect. A "5.2" is located in it. Under the Error Field Descriptions, a "5.2" corresponds to a "+4 unavailable" error.


Next, the fourth error position column has a value of "C." Looking at the field values along the side of the table, locate the value "C." Then find the error position column labeled "4" for the fourth error position column. Find the box where they intersect. An "8.2" and a "9.1" are located in it. Under the Warning Field Descriptions, an "8.2" corresponds to a "First company match used" error and the "9.1" corresponds to a "State determined from city" error.


All three errors apply to this address change.




Totals and Subtotals Provided

The following is a list of the available totals given for each run of the report:


Total records read on the CIF file

Total records looked up on the PC

Total records passed back from the PC to the host computer

Total records certified by the PC program

Total records not certified by the PC program

Start time of this job

Elapsed time the job took to download the address file to the PC

Elapsed time the job took to look up all of the addresses on the PC

Elapsed time the job took to upload the address file from the PC.


The following is a list of the Institution Totals given to show report information:


Total addresses in this report

Total addresses updated with the Run Updated column = "Y"

Total addresses certified with the Error Codes column = "Y."


Combine Parameters

There are two address lines available to enter address information. However, when there is enough room on the first line and the second line begins with one of the following parameters, the two lines will be combined into one and will be displayed on the first address line.


This is a list of the parameters that need to be in the first position of the second line in order to combine two address lines:











Note: Be careful when using two address lines because, when the Post Office certifies addresses, it uses the address line directly above the city, state, and ZIP Code line. For example, if you use two address lines and the first line has a street address and the second line has a Post Office box number, the Post Office will certify the Post Office box number because this address line is closer to the city, state, and ZIP Code line.

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