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Overdraft Processing Listing (FPSDR024)

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Overdraft Processing Listing (FPSDR024)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours processing.



The Overdraft Processing Listing displays transaction information that was used to check which transactions involved overdrafts. First, the account is checked to see if it uses the overdraft feature. If it does, all tranlogs for the account are checked for overdrafts. If an overdraft was used for a transaction, information on that transaction is printed on this report.


Two lines of information for each transaction involving an overdraft are printed on the report. This information includes the following:


Account number

Short name of the account owner

Household number in which the account resides

Amount code

Fee code

Card number or transfer account

Transfer amount

Fee amount

Date of last overdraft

Previous balance

Over-the-counter and monetary holds

Card expiration date

Minimum balance

Year-to-date overdrafts


Report Column Information

See FPSDR024 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account, taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Household Number

This is the household number in which this account resides, taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Amt Cde

This is the overdraft amount code, taken from the Amount Code field (DMOVDC) on the Overdraft Accounts tab of the Deposit Overdraft and Loan Accounts screen in CIM GOLD.

Fee Cde

This is the overdraft fee code, taken from the Fee Code field (DMODFC) on the Deposits > Account Information > Deposit Overdraft and Loan Accounts screen, Overdraft Accounts tab in CIM GOLD.

Card Number or Transfer Acct

This column will display the credit card number associated with the account, if there is a card, or the account from which funds were transferred to complete this overdraft. This information is taken from the tranlog. An overdraft may occur from up to five different accounts, which may be either loan, deposit, or G/L accounts.

Amount Transferred

This is the amount of the overdraft transfer taken from the tranlog.

Fee Amount

This is the overdraft fee amount charged for this overdraft taken from the tranlog.

Date Last Overdraft

This is the date of the last overdraft on this account, taken from theDate Last Overdraft field (DMDTOD) on the Deposits > Account Information > Deposit Overdraft and Loan Accounts screen, Overdraft Accounts tab in CIM GOLD.

Previous Balance

This is the previous balance on the account. This amount may still be positive when an overdraft is required because of minimum balance requirements, over-the-counter holds and monetary holds placed on the account.

OTC Hlds

This is the total amount of over-the-counter holds on this account, taken from the OTC Holds field (DMOCAM) on the Deposit Account Information screen, Account Information tab in CIM GOLD.

Monetary Hlds

This is the total amount of monetary holds on this account, taken from the Amount field (DMMHAM) on the Deposits > Deposit Funds Holds screen, Monetary Holds tab in CIM GOLD.

Card Exp

This is the expiration date for the credit card number displayed. The format for this date field is “MMYY.” It is taken from the Expiration Date field (DMCDDT) located on the Deposits > Account Information > Deposit Overdraft and Loan Accounts screen, Overdraft Accounts tab in CIM GOLD.

Min Balance

This is the minimum balance entered for this account, taken from theMinimum Balance Limit field (DMMNBL) on the Deposits > Definitions > Product Codes screen, General tab in CIM GOLD.

YTD Overdrafts

This is the total number of overdrafts for this account for the current year. This information is taken from the YTD Overdrafts field (DMODYD) on the Deposits > Account Information > Deposit Overdraft and Loan Accounts screen, Overdraft Accounts tab in CIM GOLD.


Totals Provided

Institution totals are provided for the following:


Total overdraft accounts processed

Total transfer amount

Total fee amount

Total amount transferred from General Ledger

Total amount transferred from Deposit Loans (Payment method 5)

Total amount transferred from Deposit accounts

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