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Total Distributions and History Comparison (FPSDR121)

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Total Distributions and History Comparison (FPSDR121)

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The Total Distributions and History Comparison report can be run at monthend. It only reads retirement accounts.



The Total Distribution and History Comparison report finds accounts that have incorrect totals in their year-to-date distribution totals when compared to the history. It also finds errors in the distribution codes. Only accounts that could have problems show up on the report. Accounts without the complete year-to-date history may show on the report since the total year-to-date distribution totals will not add up to the distributions found on the history if some are missing.


GOLDPoint Systems Only: To run correctly, this report must read the history for the entire calendar year. To do this, the second-to-last Misc Opts field must be set to "Y," the last Misc Opts field must be set to "N," and the Input Records field must contain "DZ." Reading the entire history slows down the afterhours, so this report can only be run at monthend.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR121 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Household Number

This is the number of the household that owns this account.

Plan Number

This is the retirement plan associated with the account.

Account Number

This is the office number, account number, and check digit.

Account Balance

This is the current balance of the account at the time the report was printed.

Short Name

The short name of the account owner is listed here.

Social Security #

The Social Security number is taken from the retirement plan.

Open Date

This is the date the account was opened.

Error Type

There are four types of errors:


1."HIST DOES NOT MATCH DIST TABLE." This means the total distribution totals do not match what is found in the history.

2."INVALID DISTRIBUTION CODE ERROR." This means the distribution code format is not correct, or it does not apply for retirement plan type.

3."HISTORY ITEM DIST CODE NOT IN TABLE." This indicates that the IRS distribution code found for a history item distribution was not found in the year-to-date distribution table on the Account Distribution Totals screen (function 53, then <Distributions>).

4."DISTRIB AMT W/O DISTRIB CODE." This error indicates that there is a distribution amount without a distribution code. There are 10 distribution fields available and each field should have a code. When this error message appears, there will not be a household number, short name, or Social Security number for that item on the report.

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