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Hold/User Field Report (FPSDR102)

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Hold/User Field Report (FPSDR102)

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This report is designed to run upon request only. Consult your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant if you want to schedule this report.



The Hold/User Field Report may be run as a hold code or a user defined field report but not both at once.


If the report is run as a hold code report (misc parm = "hold") then all accounts with a value in any of the 12 hold code fields (function 11/12) will be reported.


If the report is run as a user-defined field report (misc parm = "user") then all accounts with a value in any of the 8 user-defined fields (function 37/38) will be reported.


This report may also be run to report all accounts with one particular hold code by putting the 4-digit hold code in the misc parm of the report setup following the word "hold." (i.e. misc parm = "hold0207" will report all accounts with any of the 12 hold/action codes = 207).


The same may be done to report a specific value in the user-defined fields. (i.e. misc parm = "user00000000000012" will report all accounts with any of the 8 user-defined fields = 12).


Report Column Information

See FPSDR102 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Current Balance

This is the account's current balance taken from the Current Balancefield (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Hold/Action Codes

This will appear if the report is being run as a hold code report. All accounts with a value in any of the 12 hold code fields will appear in one of the 12 columns underneath.

User Defined Fields

This will appear if the report is being run as a user defined field report. All accounts with a value in any of the 8 user defined fields will appear in one of the 8 columns underneath.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are given for each office number and totals for the number of accounts and the balance of those accounts.

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