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Teller Posting Journal (FPSDR034)

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Teller Posting Journal (FPSDR034)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Teller Posting Journal reflects all teller activity for one day, the day on which the report is produced in the afterhours processing.


The report is sorted by teller number within office number. The report may be set up to sort within the teller number by either the time of the transaction or the account number order. If the report is used for balancing teller totals, sort by transaction time. Subtotals (transaction 1005) will be shown in detail on the report and will make more sense if they are in the order they were processed.


Five special reports are available by setting certain options: withdrawals only, deposits only, fees only, employees only, and officers only. These reports are activated in the Miscellaneous Parameter (Misc Parm) and Miscellaneous Option (Misc Opts) fields on the report setup. Submit a work order if you want to utilize any of these options.



Note: When any of the following options are set, the account owner short name is printed just below the account number as the second line for that account.


“W” in the Misc Parm field: withdrawals only

“D” in the Misc Parm field: deposits only

“F” in the Misc Parm field: fees only

“Y” in the Misc Opts 4 field: employee accounts only

“Y” in the Misc Opts 5 field: officer accounts only

“Y” in Misc Opts 4 and 5: employees and officers


You must enter “MN” in the pull field so the report can access name information.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: If the report is set up to exclude GOLDPoint Systems transactions, and you want all loan and deposit transactions, you must include pull fields 19 and 20 for loan transactions.


Miscellaneous Parameters (Misc Parm)

Position 1:

A blank or bad character placed in this position will not produce any reports. Use a “W,” “D,” or “F” to obtain a complete report.

“W” gives report for withdrawals only.

“D” gives report for deposits only.

“F” gives report for fees only.

Positions 3-7:

“DDDDD...” The lower limit (in dollar digits only, and right justified) of the transaction to report. If position 1 is not “W,” “D,” or “F,” this limit is ignored.

Positions 9-11:

The third parameter will not work if position 1 has not been filled in with “W,” “D,” or “F.”

“CHK” - This only reports transactions that have CHECK IN, CHECK OUT, or CHECK ON-US greater than or equal to a specified limit in parameter position 3-7.

“CSH” - This only reports transactions that have CASH IN or CASH OUT greater than or equal to a specified limit.

“JNL” - This only reports transactions that have JOURNAL IN or JOURNAL OUT greater than or equal to a specified limit.

“CKN” - This only reports transactions that have CHECK IN greater than or equal to a specified limit. (This parameter uses CHECK IN only.)


Miscellaneous Options (Misc Opts)

Position 1:

If set to “Y,” this specifies the ATM CUT-OFF POSTING JOURNAL option.

Position 2:

If set to “Y,” this gives the report of transactions without UCF HOLDS placed. This option will only work if a “D” has been placed in the 1st position of the Miscellaneous Parameter (Misc Parm) field.

Positions 3:

If set to “Y,” this option prints all correction transactions for the Deposit, General Ledger, and Loan Systems.


To get a list of DEPOSIT transactions from CHECK IN over $10,000 that did not have a UCF HOLD placed on the account:


Misc Parm = D 10000 CKN

2nd Misc Opts = Y


Report Column Information

See FPSDR034 Example for an example of this report.



This is the office number for the teller that processed the transactions listed below.

Teller/Emp No

This is the teller number that processed the transactions listed below.


This is the name of the teller that processed the transactions.

Account Number/ Ck Dg

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Tran Code & Md

This is the transaction code used to run this transaction.  If a modifier was used, it is also displayed here as TTTT MM, where T is the tran code and M is the modifier.


This is the Transaction Origination Code (TORC). Online teller transactions will always be TORC “0000.”


This is the type of funds used on the transaction. This field is used only on loan transactions and will include the following:


CS - Cash

CK - Check

JN - Journal

Orig Offc

This is the originating office number where the transaction was processed.

Tran Date

This is the actual date that the transaction occurred.

Tran Time

This is the time the transaction occurred, in HH:MM:SS format, where HH is the hour, MM is the minute, and SS is the second.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transaction.

Previous Balance

This is the balance of the account before this transaction occurred.  On transactions such as teller sign on, sign off, loan, and General Ledger transactions, this will always be “0.00.”                  

As of Date

This is the “as of” date, if one was used, for this transaction.  If no “as of” date was entered, this will be blank.

Transaction Description

This is a description of the transaction. If this transaction is a correction, “COR” will appear at the far right side of this column.


File maintenance tranlogs do not display any detail concerning the file maintenance that was performed. “FIL” or “LOA” is displayed in this column for file maintenance transactions. An asterisk after this description field indicates that the transaction was processed by an GOLDPoint Systems employee.


When a transaction occurs that requires the use of different buckets, those buckets and the amounts that went into them will be displayed in lines under the transaction information line. As many lines as needed will be used to display all of the different buckets used in this transaction.  For example, on a money order transaction, you will see buckets for Journal Out and Fee Amount. On a withdrawal transaction, you will see Cash Out.


When the transaction is a teller signoff (tran code 1620) or a subtotal (tran code 1005), the system will print all of the bucket totals as of the time of the signoff or subtotal on the lines under the transaction information line.


When the transaction is a loan payment, other fields besides the buckets are displayed on the lines below the transaction information line. These include Principal, Interest, Date and Type Last Activity, and Date Last Tran.

Soc Sec#/Federal ID

If a Social Security number was entered with a transaction, that number will appear on the line following the last of the bucket fields.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

After the detail transaction lines for each teller, there is a page break followed by the totals for the teller. After the teller totals are printed, the system prints a transaction volume report for the teller. This displays the number of transactions that took place in each hour during the day, and the total number of transactions performed by this teller during the day.


After all teller information for a given office has been printed, the system will print a totals page for the office. At the end of the report, the system will print a totals page for the institution.


Page breaks will occur before and after each set of totals.


See FPSDR034 Example for an example of this report.

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