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Schedule DI Consolidated Deposit Information Report (FPSDR188)

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Schedule DI Consolidated Deposit Information Report (FPSDR188)

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This report should run quarterly in the afterhours, but it can be run monthly by request.



The Schedule DI Consolidated Deposit Information Report is used to aid banks in completing the OTS Federal Schedule DI.


The Schedule DI Consolidated Deposit Information Report is a summary report, but a detail report can be processed to show which balances were used.


It gives totals for various categories of accounts as required by Schedule DI.  These categories and the selection criteria used to determine each total are presented below, under Report Column Information.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The Input records are DM and MN.


The Totals Only field must set to "Y." For summary, the Totals Only field must be set to "N" for a detail report.


The Critical fields must be set at "1" To "4."


Report Column Information

See FPSDR188 Example for an example of this report.


The information for all the fields found on this report are based on the General Category (DMGENL) and Sub Category (DMSUBC) fields, both of which are found on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen in CIM GOLD.




Total Broker-Originated Deposits

This field shows the total dollar amount of broker-originated deposits in two categories: less than or equal to $100,000 and more than $100,000. The report displays monetary and account totals for each subheading, and a monetary subtotal for all the accounts listed under this heading.

Less than 100K

This category includes all broker-originated deposit accounts, defined as General Category (DMGENL) 13-Brokered Accounts or Sub Category (DMSUBC) 4-Brokered Accounts, with balances less than or equal to $100,000.

Greater than 100K

This category includes all broker-originated deposit accounts, defined as General Category (DMGENL) 13-Brokered Accounts or Sub Category (DMSUBC) 4-Brokered Accounts, with balances greater than $100,000.

Deposits (Excluding Retirement Accounts) with Balances

This field includes the following categories: accounts less than or equal to $100,000 and accounts greater than $100,000. The report displays monetary and account totals for each subheading, and a monetary subtotal for all the accounts listed under this heading. (Excludes accounts with RT Feature (except Health Savings (DMRHSA) and Coverdell Education Savings (DMEDUC = "Y").)

100K or Less

This category includes all positive balance deposit accounts, meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) less than or equal to $100,000. (Excludes accounts with RT Feature (except HSA/EDU).)

Greater than 100K

This category includes all positive balance deposit accounts, meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) greater than $100,000. (Excludes accounts with RT Feature (except HSA and EDU).)

250K or Less

This category includes all positive balance deposit accounts, meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) less than or equal to $250,000. (Excludes accounts with RT Feature (except HSA/EDU).)

Greater than 250K

This category includes all positive balance deposit accounts, meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) greater than $250,000. (Excludes accounts with RT Feature (except HSA and EDU).)

Retirement Deposits with Balances

This field includes the following subheadings: accounts less than or equal to $250,000 and accounts greater than $250,000. The report displays monetary and account totals for each subheading, and a monetary subtotal for all the accounts listed under this heading.

250K or Less

This category includes all positive balance IRA accounts with an RT feature (excluding HSA and EDU), meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) less than or equal to $250,000.

Greater Than 250K

This category includes all positive-balance deposit accounts, meaning any General Category (DMGENL), with balances (plus accrued interest to the first day of the next month) greater than $250,000.

IRA/KEOGH Accounts

This category includes all accounts (except for HSA and ESA) with the Retirement Feature (DMDFRT) set to Y.

Preferred Deposits

This category includes all accounts with the Sub Category field (DMSUBC) set to 1-Public Funds or 6-States and Political Subdivisions, U.S.

Components of Deposits and Escrows

This field includes the following subheadings:Transaction Accounts, Money Market Deposit Accounts, Passbook Accounts, Time Deposits, 100K or Greater, and IRA/KEOGH 100K or Greater. The report displays monetary and account totals for each subheading and a monetary subtotal for all the accounts listed under this heading.

Transaction Accounts

This category includes all accounts without a CD feature and not defined as General Category (DMGENL) 5-Regular Savings, 6-MMDA Accounts, or 12-Uninsured Borrowings.

Money Market Deposit Accounts

This category includes all accounts defined as General Category (DMGENL) 6-MMDA Accounts.

Passbook Accounts

This category includes all accounts defined as General Category (DMGENL) 5-Regular Savings.

Time Deposits

This category includes all accounts with the certificate feature (DMDFCD) set to Y.

100K through 250K

This category includes all accounts with a CD feature and balances between $100,000.00 and $250,000.00 except for broker-originated deposit accounts, defined as General Category (DMGENL) 13-Brokered Accounts or Sub Category (DMSUBC) 4-Brokered Accounts, with balances between $100,000.00 and $250,000.00.

Greater than 250K

This category includes all accounts with a CD feature and balances more than $250,000.00 .

IRA/KEOGH 100K or Greater

This category includes all accounts with CD and RT features and balances $100,000.00 or greater, except for HSA and EDU.

Deposit and Escrow Data for Insurance Premium Assessments

This field only has one heading, Deposits of Consolidated Subsidiaries, with subheadings for demand deposits and time and savings deposits. The report displays monetary and account totals for each subheading, and a monetary subtotal for all the accounts listed under this heading.

Demand Deposits

This category includes all non-interest bearing accounts, including all accounts defined as General Category (DMGENL) 9-Non-Interest Bearing, but excluding all accounts defined as General Category 5-Regular Savings, 6-MMDA Accounts, 8-NOW Accounts, and 10-Super NOW Accounts.

Time and Savings Deposits

This category is calculated as follows: Transaction Accounts plus Nontransaction Accounts (accounts with CD feature or defined as General Category 5 or 6), excluding Demand Deposits accounts.

Non-interest Bearing 250K or Less and Greater than $250K

This category includes accounts with General Category 9 non-interest bearing.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided for each heading (Total Broker-Originated Deposits, All Deposit Accounts, Components of Deposits and Escrows, and Deposit and Escrow Data for Insurance Premium Assessments). The report includes monetary totals and total number of accounts.

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