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Required Minimum Distribution Calculation Report (FPSDR041)

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Required Minimum Distribution Calculation Report (FPSDR041)

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This report is run in the afterhours on December 31 of each year. It can be run as a test in October or November. The report and test can be set up in advance and the test can be processed at the same time each year. Consult your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant about how you want to schedule this report.



The Required Minimum Distribution Calculation Report lists all of the retirement plans that require a minimum distribution for account owners who are 70 ½ and over in age.


The three standard sorting options are:


80 Household number

81 Retirement Plan number

82 Owner’s birth date.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR041 Example for an example of this report.


Household Number

This column displays the household number in which this account resides. It is taken from the CIF System.

Plan Nbr

This column displays the retirement plan number to which this account belongs.

Owners Name

This column displays the full name of the IRS owner of the account. It is taken from the CIF System.

Owners Birth date

This column displays the birth date of the IRS owner of the account. It is taken from the CIF System.

Death / P/O Date

This column displays either the death date of the IRA owner, or the payout start date for the beneficiary.

Minimum Distribution

This column displays the required minimum distribution on this account.

Fair Market Value

This column displays the fair market value on the retirement account calculated at the end of each calendar year after all the contributions, distributions, and interest have been made on the account.


This column displays a “Y” if the beneficiary option is on.

Bene Bdate

This column displays the birth date of the beneficiary indicated on the account. It is taken from the CIF System if the beneficiary option is on.

Sp Exc

This column displays a “Y” (yes) if the spouse exception option is on.


This column displays an informative message, a message that requires manual adjustment, or an error that was encountered when either the required minimum distribution failed or the customer-directed transfer update failed.

The following is a list of possible messages/errors on required minimum distribution calculations:

“Invalid plan owner”

2 “No brthdt found for ownr”

3 “Spouse - requires a benf”

4 “Account not found in CIF”

5 “Account master not fnd”

6 “Spouse not in CIF”

7 “No Spouse birth date.”

8  “Owner deceased no bene”

9  “9.5 year plan”

No updates will occur with these messages/errors.

The following is a list of possible messages/errors on customer-directed transfer updates:

“RMD > fixed - CDT updated”

2 “No CDT distribution found”

3 “Mult CDTs - No CDT updt”

4 “Fixed > RMD - No CDT updt”

5 “Frequency is zero on CDT”

6 “Already in distribution.”

The required minimum distributions will be updated with these messages/errors, but the customer-directed transfers will not.

The following is a list of possible informative messages:

“On another plan? = Y” *

2 “Non-ret acct is on plan.”

3 “CDT will not cover RMD”

*  The required minimum distribution is on another plan. The required minimum distribution will be calculated, but no customer-directed transfer updates will occur.


Totals Provided

Subtotals are provided for each retirement plan with totals given for the number of accounts, minimum distribution, and fair market value.

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