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Delinquent Non-Custodial Parent Report (FPSDR137)

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Delinquent Non-Custodial Parent Report (FPSDR137)

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This report and tape are run quarterly at the request of your institution’s state, in accordance with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).



The Delinquent Non-Custodial Parent Report provides name and address information for delinquent, non-custodial parents. A tape using Method 1 as described by regulation will be generated and sent to your institution, which will then forward the tape to your state government. The following three options are available for the tape:


All accounts every quarter

New, closed, or changed accounts (changes made to names and addresses) each quarter

Current account balances


This report has a GOLDView index for the account number and the Social Security number.



Note: The tape will be sent directly to your institution. A third party, Tier Technologies out of New Jersey, has been used by some clients whose states won’t process the tape. The report can be returned by standard methods (e.g., GOLDView and GOLDPrint).



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The institution must have this report set up with a minimum of one and a maximum of four months (two digits) in the Misc Parm field (e.g., “03,” “06,” “09,” “12,” representing March, June, September, and December). For institutions choosing to send update files, the first Misc Opts field must be set and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th months in the Misc Parm field will be designated as the update months.


To include current account balances on this report and tape, the second Misc Opts field must be set to “Y.” There is a $300.00 setup charge.


To exclude the account numbers on this report and tape, the third Misc Opts field must be set to “Y.” There is a $300.00 setup charge.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR137 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This column displays the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) of the account associated with the payee(s). If miscellaneous option 3 is set, this field will be zero-filled.

First Name

This column displays the first name(s) of the payee(s) associated with the account.  It is taken from the CIF System (MNFNAM).

Last Name

This column displays the last name(s) of the payee(s) associated with the account.  The information is taken from the CIF System (MNLNAM).

Tax ID Number

This column displays the social security number(s) of the payee(s) associated with the account. The information is taken from the CIF System (MNSSFI).


This column displays the date(s) of birth of the payee(s) associated with the account.  The information is taken from the CIF System (MNBDAT).

Account Type

This column displays the type of account.  An IRA/KEOUGH account overrides all other account types.  The account type is taken from the CIF System and Deposit System (MNACTP, DMGENL, DMINMT, and MNOCOD, in that order).

MNACTP indicates K = checking, C = certificate, and S = savings.  DMGENL indicates the savings, certificate, and money market general categories.  The ownership codes (MNOCOD) are used for determining the IRA type and are 30, 51, 52, 53, 79, and 86.

Update Indicator

If this is an update report, this column displays the update on the account since the last quarter.  It will display “Opened,” “Closed,” or “Changed” (of address or of name).  If this is not an update report, this column will be blank.


This column displays the address of the payee(s). The information is taken from the CIF System (MNADD1).


This column is optional and displays the current balance. The balance on the tape file is reported in whole dollars.

Balance Indicator

This column indicates whether the current balance is provided: a “0” means it is not, a “2” indicates that it is.


This column displays the city of the payee(s) (MNCITY).

State and ZIP code

This column displays the state and ZIP Code of the payee(s).  It is taken from the CIF System (MNSTAT, MNZIPC, and MNZIP4).

Trust Fund

This column displays the trust fund number, if any.  It is taken from the CIF System (MNOCOD).  The trust fund numbers are listed below.


Trust Fund Numbers

















Transmittal of Delinquent Non-Custodial Parent Report

The transmittal form will accompany your quarterly tape. It must be sent with the tape to your state’s Office of Recovery Services. See FPSDR137 Example for an example of this form.

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