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Deposit Account Statements (FPSDR199)

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Deposit Account Statements (FPSDR199)

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This setup must process daily and at monthend during the afterhours.


The required setup for daily statements (Cycle 102 through 131) is as follows:


Image Paper Statements

Non-Image Paper Statements

Image e-Statements

Non-Image e-Statements


The required setup for monthend statements (Cycle 001, 002, 003, 006, 012, 013, 023) is as follows:


Monthend Paper Statement

Monthend e-Statement



Note: If you have selected both Paper and e-Statement Options for any account, a separate image for each will be saved in the Warehouse file. Each will be purged according to your institution's storage options.


The default retention period is 45 Days for paper statements and 365 days for e-Statements in CIM GOLD GOLDView. If you would like a different retention period for any of your statement setups, please submit a work order.



The Deposit Account Statement program creates custom statements for accounts that were cycled that night based on the statement cycle (DMSCYC) on the account. Statement cycles can be set up to process on the second through the thirty-first day of the month, at monthend, quarter-end, semi-annually, and at year-end, based on the requirement for the account type. The statement period starts with the date in the Cycle Start Date (DMCYDT) field and continues to (not including) the Next Cycle Start Date (DMN Customer Directed Transfer (CDT)). Transactions that have been posted to an account based on these dates will be printed on the statement. Correction transactions made on the same day as the original transaction will automatically be skipped on the statement. Transactions can be manually suppressed from the statement if the user has security to file maintain history items.


Combined statements are set up using the CIS > Entity Maintenance > Create Group > Combined Statement screen.


When accounts that are on a combined statement have the same statement cycle, only one combined statement will be printed for the accounts. If statement cycles are different, a combined statement will be printed each statement date. For accounts that are not equal to the statement date, you will not get transaction history on the statement; you will just get a summary line of information. For loans attached to a combined statement, you will always get just the summary data. When checking accounts are tied to overdraft loans (Payment Methods 5, 9, and 10), the loan should not be set up as a combined statement; the loan information will be printed on the checking account statement at the time it cycles and will include transaction history. An institution option is available to turn off this portion of the statement (RODL), and two option sections (L & M) can be printed on the statement.


A standard statement format can be customized for your institution. Your logo, symbols, and colors can be chosen, and options are available in the rendering program that allow you to remove boxes, change shading, and reorder data on the form. In addition, different formats can be used for monthend and daily checking cycles.


In order to set up statements for your institution, GOLDPoint Systems needs artwork for your logo and any other symbols or advertisements you want added. The reconciliation for the back of the statement is also customizable and should be added to checking account statements. However, you can use the same format for all types of accounts.



Note: Additional charges will be applied when you use color on your statements.


Statement Options

See FPSDR199 Example for an example of this report. (Note: Not all options are used on this sample. Check images are not shown but would begin on page 3 in this sample.)


The statements are divided into 16 different sections. These sections can be put in any order or can be excluded if they are not required by regulations. The standard format is shown in the sample, and it includes all the sections available:


1. One Line Activity Summary or #C optional Stacked Activity Summary

2. Daily Balance Summary—including transactions

3. Deposit and Other Credits

4. Regular Checks

5. Withdrawals and Other Debits

6. Daily Balance Summary—balances for days transactions posted

7. Balance and Fees (Institution Opts DDRG must be set for Reulation DD Fee disclosure.)

8. Rate Summary

9. Customer Directed Transfers Summary

B. Non-combined Statement Summary

C. Stacked Activity Summary or #1 One Line Activity Summary

D. Advertising Message

E. EZ Savings Summary

L. Loan Summary


Overdraft Loans—Average Daily Balance, YTD Finance Charge, Credit Line, and Unused Credit (Payment Methods 5, 9, and 10)

Non-Overdraft Loans—Principal Balance, Reserve Balance, Taxes Paid Year-to-Date, Interest Paid Year-to-Date, Interest Rate, and Due Date


M. Overdraft Loan Detail

N. Overdraft Loan Additional Fields


The options available in each client's layout program are as follows:


Account header without deposit and check counters

Account header without deposit and check counters and account numbers

Account number marking

Advertising message (combined statements), choices:


(1) top of statement

(2) bottom of statement

(3) remove box around message



Combined statement summary amounts totaled

Custom headings:


Daily Balance Section

Daily Balance Summary Section

Daily Balance Loan Section

Balances & Fees Section

EZ Savings Section


Darken boxes

Darken the print for non-color printers

Date range in Summary Section: If Institution Option OPTH-POLD, Print Old Account Number on Statement) is used, the summary dates cannot be used.

Don't do page breaks for end account for combined statements

Images always start on front page after statement print


Mailing label top, left, and width indicators

OMR marks (OMR Marks Options)

One- or two-sided statements (Duplex settings)

Reconciliation format

Remove account type from the footer

Remove the bottoms of the section boxes

Remove logo from image pages (overlay)

Right-justify totals (for these sections: Deposits and Other Credits, Debits and Withdrawals, and Regular Checks)

Show year-to-date / cycle-to-date service charges

Specify statement destination on cover sheet

Statement counter

Underline summary statement totals and selected headings


Your institution can use institution options for statements according to your needs. The options that are available are found in the following table and apply to all deposit statements.


Option Name

Option Description


This is the institution billing number.


Use extended inclearing check number. Use this option if the check numbers that are stored are 10 digits long.


Show Regulation DD fee disclosure on statements. Use this option to show the overdraft and return fees assessed on each account for the cycle and year-to-date. A layout option is also available when using this option to print cycle-to-date and year-to-date afterhours service charges.


Do not print overdraft loan information. Use this option to delete the automatic overdraft loan information on checking statements. (This means sections L & M will not print when this option is set.)


Print old account number on top-right of deposit statement. Use this option if your institution recently converted to the GOLDPoint Systems system and account numbers were changed.


Use product code description for each account on the statement. If not set, the account description in CIF will be used.


If this institution option is set, the system will pull the description for the account from the product code, as set up through the Deposits > Definitions > Product Code screen and assigned when the deposit account is opened through GOLDTeller Platform. If this option is not set, the description is pulled from the CIF description, as shown on the Accounts tab on the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen.


Print trace number on the statement.



Sort combined statements in alphabetical order.

Note: This option is not used when using the GOLDPoint Systems mailing service.

Sort combined statements in ZIP code order.

Note: This option is not used when using the GOLDPoint Systems mailing service.


Sort truncated statements to the top. The “item count” will not be printed on the statement.

Note: This option is not used when using the GOLDPoint Systems mailing service.



Combine total number of checks and withdrawals and print in Checks field at the top of the statement.

Short version of checking statement. Use this option if you do not want check transactions included in the Daily Balance Summary section of the statement.





Print cycled statements without activity.


Print monthly statements without activity.


Remove average balance, low balance, and average collected balance from statement. Change “Deposit” headings to “Purchases.”




Use generic deposit/withdrawal descriptions on transactions. If not set, then the description of the office will be used. Other descriptions are entered on the Office Information Display screen under GOLD Services in the CIM GOLD tree view.

Report late charges as interest on loan summary.


If ADMF is set, the advertising message on your bank’s deposit statements will use the spacing and format you have set up in the Deposits > Definitions > Advertising Messages screen. Using this option, you can left justify, right justify, or add more spacing to your messages. If this option is not set, the advertising message lines on deposit statements lines will be centered in the message area.


Print quarterly statements without activity.


Savings advertising message option based on Product code (P), Branch (B), or All (A).


Checking advertising message option based on Product code (P), Branch (B), All (A).


Certificate advertising message option based on Product code (P), Branch (B), All (A).


Retirement advertising message option based on Product code (P), Branch (B), All (A).


Print rate table section on statement.


If no mail/bad address, print only names.



Don’t print average collected balance on statement.


Print old account number in statement summary. If this option is used, the summary dates cannot be used (Layout Option).


Print CD rate changes on statement.


Use all accounts for Regulation DD. If set to "N," only personal accounts will calculate APYs.


Use collected balance in APY (otherwise, actual General Ledger balance is used).


Print negative limit on statement (option OPTW-ODLM must also be set).


Remove average daily balance from deposit statements. This field is used to calculate the APY.


Always print advertising message on statement even if it is the only information left to be printed on the last page. This option cannot be used when OMR marks are also used.


Print Overdraft Limit (DMNGLM) on deposit statements instead of the words Negative Limit (OPTM-NGLM must be set to use this option).



Do not print APY information on statements. This option also removes the number of days in the period and the accrued interest amount from the statement.

Print proof item count on statement.

OPTY (RCustomer Directed Transfer (CDT))

OPTY (FCustomer Directed Transfer (CDT))

Do not print Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) information on deposit statements. If this option is not set, Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) transactions for the cycle will be printed. At year-end, yearly totals will also be printed.

Print future Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) information on statement. This option, when set, prints all future Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) transactions on statements.


If the Show ACH ID (M2DAID) field is checked on an account in CIM GOLD on the Deposit Information Features/Options tab, information for ACH-PPD Standard Entry Class transactions will be printed on the statement.


The advertising messages that can be printed on statements are set up based on the institution options CDAD certificate message, CKAD checking message, RTAD retirement message, and SVAD savings message. These messages are set up to use the type of account, by product code, or by office. Advertising messages are set up through CIM GOLD on the Deposits > Definitions > Advertising Messages screen.


If ADMF is set, the advertising message on your bank’s deposit statements will use the spacing and format you have set up in the Deposits > Definitions > Advertising Messages screen. Using this option, you can left justify, right justify, or add more spacing to your messages. If this option is not set, the advertising message lines on deposit statements lines will be centered in the message area.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Institution options OPTP (CNVT), OPT7, (DCON), and OPTS (DCNB) are used only for conversions and are not listed in the options section.


Six setups are required for the statements—four daily and two monthend. The daily will process all checking cycles, and monthend will be used for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual savings and certificate cycles. If the GOLDPoint Systems mailing service is used, Page__Sort must be added to the client's layout.


Set the appropriate miscellaneous options:

1st  - Run for monthend

2nd  - Send e-Statement alerts on reruns

3rd  - Only pull image statements

4th  - Do not pull image statements

5th  - Test run

6th  - Send output to Warehouse only

7th  - Print only–Do not send to Warehouse

8th  - Bill on reruns

9th  - Never send e-Statement alert (original or rerun)

10th - Test setting

11th - Pull e-Statement and paper statement

12th - Skip e-Statement only


The statement form identifier and printer need to be set up in the first positions of the Misc Parm.


DEPSTMTA = Checking statements 102–131

DEPSTMTB = Savings, certificate statements 001, 003, 006, 012


Printer Setup: For non-color statements (black print), use HOLED or NOHOLE. For color, use TAB2UP.


If the form is identical for all statements, the data in this field is also identical for all statements. They will need to be different when the statement format or form is different. Example: Form A has a reconciliation on the back, and Form B does not.


The section order needs to be entered in the 30th position of theMisc Parm field using up to 15 positions. The standard order of sections is 0123456789BLMND.


To save e-Statements longer than mailed statements, you must have separate report setups and indicate in positions 55, 56, and 57 how long to keep them. The default is 365 days for e-Statements and 45 days for mailed statements. Enter three digits in these positions. If a mailed statement and an e-Statement are created for one account, two images of the statement will be in the Warehouse—one copy for 45 days and one for 365.


Note: When the e-Statement and the mailed copies are separated into two Deposit Report setups so they can be stored for different lengths of time, be sure to set the 9th Misc Option and the mailed statement Deposit Report so that an e-Statement alert will be sent only for the e-Statement and not for the mailed copy.


Each client has its own layout. When using different forms for each office, use the last three digits (positions 58, 59, and 60) to indicate which form to use for each one. This subform must match what is set up in the layout directory:


4 digit inst___FormName___S subform name


Note: The destination for the cover sheet is set in the layout, and only one renderer is used for all clients' statements.

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