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Positive-Pay Account Activity Report (FPSDR165)

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Positive-Pay Account Activity Report (FPSDR165)

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The Positive-Pay Account Activity Report should be run daily in the afterhours. It can only be used if your institution uses positive-pay (OPTX - POSP), and accounts that do use it must have the Positive Pay field (DMPSPY) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Features/Options tab set to “Y- Yes” or “W-Warning.”



This report prints the following activity to any account marked as a positive-pay account:


1. All checks that had a positive-pay record that were cleared.

2. All checks that were rejected on the positive-pay account.

3. All checks that were posted to positive-pay accounts through GOLD ExceptionManager.


The sorting options are:

80 Check number

81 Action taken

82 Payee


You will probably want to sort this report by account number if you have multiple positive-pay accounts, so all possible pay information is listed by each account.


There are currently two formats that can be sent to GOLDPoint Systems for a check issue file: ASCII and QIF. Any other format will require programming to implement. Send in a work order if you would like other formats programmed for your institution.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR165 Example for an example of this report.


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Check Number

This is the check number (CICHK#) that was posted or rejected on the positive-pay account.

Issued Date

This is the issued date (CIDATI) of the check.


This is the action taken on the check. Possible actions are CLEARED, POSTED, DENIED, VOID, or WARNING. Cleared means the check posted in the afterhours or was posted clearing as a cash checked. Posted means the check originally rejected for some reason, and the check was then paid through the reject system. Denied means the check was rejected in the afterhours. Void means the check was voided by the account owner and should not be paid. Warning means the check will not be rejected, however a warning will appear on this report for that transaction.


This is the payee (CIPAYE) of the check. It is for informational purposes only. It is sent in the issue file.


This is the amount of the check posted or rejected on the positive-pay account.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are provided in the following categories:


1. Number of checks

2. Total check amounts

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