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This report can be processed daily, monthly, or both.
The User Defined Account Selection Report is designed to create a report of user-defined selected accounts. This report selects accounts based on the last four digits of any User-Defined Field on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen > Miscellaneous Fields tab in CIM GOLD. Multiple selection criteria are available. The selection criteria are determined by your institution.
The report displays the following fields:
•Account Number
•IRS Owner’s Name
•Product Code
•User Field
•Account Balance
•Maturity Date
•Date Opened
An additional user-defined report that shows different fields, User Defined Account Selection With Average Balance (FPSDR189), is also available.
GOLDPoint Systems Only: To set up specific user field numbers and values, enter N = ####, N = ####, N = ####, etc. in the Misc Parm field. “N” is the user-defined field number and “####” is the numeric value of the last four digits of the user-defined fields. An "X" can be used as a wild character. You can list as many selections as will fit in the Misc Parm field.
For example, if you set up the Misc Parm field to be 1 = 1234, 5 = 89XX, 7 = X321, then any account with 1234 in the last 4 digits of User-Defined Field 1, 8900 to 8999 in the last 4 digits of User-Defined Field 5, or 0321 to 9321 in the last 4 digits of User-Defined Field 7 will be reported. See the following example of the User-Defined Fields on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen > Miscellaneous Fields tab in CIM GOLD:
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Report Column Information
See FPSDR136 Example for an example of this report.
Column Heading |
Description |
Account Number |
This column displays the account number. It consists of the office number, account number, and check digit. |
Name |
This column displays the IRS owner's full name for the account pulled from the Customer Relationship Management > Customer Profile screen or Households screen. |
Prod Code |
This column displays the product code used for this account. Product codes are set up during the account's origination through GOLDTeller Platform. The definitions for product codes are set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Product Codes screen in CIM GOLD. The product code appears at the top of each deposit screen in CIM GOLD, as shown below:
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User# |
This column displays the user-defined field number that was used to select this account (DMUSER), pulled from the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen > Miscellaneous Fields tab in CIM GOLD. |
User Field |
This column displays the last 4 digits in the user-defined field used to select this account. |
Account Balance |
This column displays the current balance of the account. It is taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab. |
Rate |
This column displays the current interest rate on the account. It is taken from the Interest Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Features/Options tab. |
Maturity Date |
This column displays the date the account matures (if it is a CD). It is taken from the Maturity Date field (DMMTDT) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Features/Options tab. |
Date Opened |
This column displays the date the account was opened. It is taken from the Date Opened field (DMDTOP) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab. |
Totals and Subtotals Provided
Subtotals are provided by office number for accounts and balances.