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Renewal Notice Report (FPSDR006)

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Renewal Notice Report (FPSDR006)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours. The renewal notices are processed with FPSDR038.



The Renewal Notice Report lists all of the accounts for which a renewal notice will be printed. A renewal notice is printed when the Grace End field on the Deposit Additional Fields screen (function 3/4) is equal to the processing day or less than the next processing day. Notices are produced for renewable certificates only. It contains the following information:


Account Number (default)

Name and Address of the account owner

Household number in which this account resides

Household number in which this account resides

Renewal date

Renewal balance

Maturity Date

Interest rate

Annual percentage yield


Standard sorting options are available on this report.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR006 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) of the account.

Name and Address

This is the name and address of the IRS owner of the account.

Household Number

This is the household number in which the account resides, taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Renewal Date

This is the renewal date on which this account was last renewed, taken from the Last Mat field (DMLDRD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2). If this account is in its first term, this field will be blank because the account has not previously been renewed.

Renewal Balance

This is the renewal balance or current balance on the account, taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Maturity Date

This is the maturity date for the account, taken from the Mature Dt field on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Interest Date

This is the new interest rate for this certificate at renewal, taken from the Int Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Annual Percentage Yield

The annual percentage yield is calculated by first finding the amount of days in a term. Then the amount of interest is calculated. Once the number of days and the interest for the term have been calculated, they are used in the standard APY calculation to calculate the annual percentage yield.

The APY calculation will always use 365 days as its basis, even in a leap year. However, the interest amount can use a 366-day basis if your institution chooses. When institution option B366 is set, all accounts opened prior to February 29 of the leap year will use a 366-day basis in the calculation of interest. If institution option NOMT is set to “N,” then for accounts renewing, the last maturity date will be used instead of the date opened to determine whether or not to use a 366-day basis. If the last maturity date is past February 29, or the date opened is past February 29, then a 365-day basis will be used. If institution option NOMB is set, then the date opened will be used in all cases.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals and sorting can be done by any standard sort field. Typically the report is sorted and subtotaled by office number and account number. The subtotals and institution totals give the total number of certificate accounts listed on the report.

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