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Bank Balancing Report (FPSDR026)

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Bank Balancing Report (FPSDR026)

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This report should be run daily.



The Bank Balancing Report is used to show information that will help the institution with the balancing of daily work. The report is divided into sections showing the External Events and which ones posted to the General Ledger, total debits, total credits, any out-of-balance condition from proof processing, any unresolved items from proof processing, and the balance in certain General Ledger accounts. It is an optional report but should be run daily to be useful. An additional report can also be processed by branch.


There are no sorting and subtotal fields that may be used for this report. There are also no miscellaneous options used on this report.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The Bank Balancing Report can be run by branch. This will show the General Ledger clearing accounts and balances for each individual branch. Only one report setup is required to run by branch in addition to the regular Bank Balancing Report.


To run this report by branch, Misc Opts 1 should be “Y,” Sort Key Fields Order must be set to “80” and “81,” and the Critical fields must be ”1” to “10.” This will generate the clearing accounts and balances for each branch; however, they will be listed under one report in GOLDView.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR026 Example for an example of this report.


Section 1 - External Event Posting



Event Nbr

The event number is the external event number assigned by the system to that particular event.

External Event Description

This is the description assigned to the event number.


The TORC code is the transaction origination code associated with the transactions that are included in this event.

Number of Items

This is the number of transactions that are included in the totals for this event.

Debit Amount

This is the total amount of debits included in this event. The debits and credits are shown separately. They are not combined for a net amount. Only those transactions carrying the afterhours teller numbers (9998, 9999) will be included in this amount.

Credit Amount

This is the total amount of credits included in this event. The debits and credits are shown separately. They are not combined for a net amount. Only those transaction amounts carrying the afterhours teller numbers (9998, 9999) will be included in this amount.

General Ledger Account Number

This is the General Ledger Account number to which the debit or credit amount was posting. If no account number appears in this column, the amount was not posted to the General Ledger, but is for information only.



Note: For proof institutions:


External Event 5, Rejected Proof Items, are made up of deposit proof rejects that can be found on the Deposit System Error and Exception Report (FPSDR105) as well as in Rejected Items Processing (Application 31).


External Event 7, Proof Checks Not On Us, are checks, drawn on other banks, received at the teller line for various reasons (e.g., deposit funds, withdraw cash, etc.)


External Event 14, Proof Loan Reject Items, are made up of loan proof rejects that can be found on the Loan Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing (FPSRP013).


Section 2 - Proof of Deposit


Total POD Inclearing Items

(first number)

The number of inclearing checks found in the proof transmission.

(second number)

The total amount of the inclearing checks found in the proof transmission.



Note: POD Inclearing Items are on-us checks received at the teller line for various reasons (e.g., make loan payments, deposit funds, withdraw cash, etc.).


Proof Batch Totals


The total of the debit items found in the proof transmission.


The total of the credit items.


The difference of the debits and credits.


See FPSDR026 Example for an example of this report.


Section 3 - General Ledger

General Ledger Clearing Accounts and Balances

These are the same accounts the institution has selected on the General Ledger Clearing Account Balancing Report, which shows the details of the items posted to those accounts. This report shows the ending balance and is meant to give you a quick glance at how the posting went for the previous processing day. Columns showing MTD and YTD balances are included. Note: For asset, liability, and capital accounts, the MTD and YTD balances will always be the same.

General Ledger Autopost Control Group Number

General Ledger Autopost Control Group number with the total debits, total credits, and any out of balance for that control group. These are the same amounts that show on the subtotals of the General Ledger Autopost Recap and General Ledger Autopost Summary reports.

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