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CIF Exception Report (FPSDR085)

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CIF Exception Report (FPSDR085)

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This report can be run as requested in the afterhours. Consult your customer service representative if you want to schedule this report differently.



The CIF Exception Report is used by the institution to clean up their CIF File. The report will print in each of the following sub-reports.


1. Accounts missing household number

2. No IRS owner or bad tax ID number on deposit or loan accounts

3. Retirement accounts without birth date

4. CIF masters missing deposit or loan account records

5. Duplicate Social Security numbers

6. Incomplete domestic addresses

7. Incomplete foreign addresses


The Misc Parm field in the report setup may be used to allow each institution to specify which of the sections of the report they would like (e.g., Misc Parm = 1257 will print only sections 1, 2, 5, and 7).


The information columns displayed on each type of CIF Exception Report are explained below. See FPSDR085 Example for examples of each report type.


Deposit Accounts Missing Household Number



Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.


This is the status (DMSTA3-DMCLSD set) of the account. It is either “open” or “closed.”

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account, taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Gen Cat

This is the general category for this account, taken from the Gen Catfield (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).


This is the product code used for this account, taken from the Product Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Dt Lst Actv

This is the date the account was last active, taken from the Last Actvfield (DMDTLA) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Typ Actv

This is the activity type last used on this account, taken from theActivity type field (DMTPLA) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Date Opened

This is the date the account was opened.

Account Features

These are the account features used on this account taken from the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2). Possible features are

CA Club Account

CD Certificate Of Deposit

CK Checking

IN Interest-Bearing

OD Overdraft

RT Retirement


No IRS Owner or Bad Tax ID on Deposit or Loan Accounts



Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Household #

This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).

Tax ID Nbr

This is the account owner's Tax ID number taken from the CIF System (MNCSSN).  This is formatted as either the SSN or the EIN.


This is the type of IRS Tax ID number on the account taken from the CIF System (MNCTYP).


This is the name sequence of this owner on the account taken from the CIF System.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Act Typ

This is the type of account taken from the CIF System (MNACTP).

Account Description

This is the account description entered by the employee into the CIF System upon opening the account.  If left blank, the system will look at the Typ field and fill this field with the specified type of account.



Note: Deposit accounts that have a W8 (DMW8FL = Y) on file will not appear in this section. Accounts with an IRS owner whose name has a type code ending in a 1 (resident alien) or a 2 (non-resident alien) will be excluded from this section of the report.


Retirement Accounts Missing Birth Date



Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Household #

This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).

Tax ID Nbr

This is the account owner's Tax ID number taken from the CIF System (MNCSSN).  This is formatted as either the SSN or the EIN.


This is the name sequence of this owner on the account taken from the CIF System.


This is the type of IRS Tax ID number on the account taken from the CIF System (MNCTYP).

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).


This is the type of account taken from the CIF System (MNACTP).  All should be "R" for Retirement on this report.

Account Description

This is the account description entered by the employee into the CIF System upon opening the account.  If left blank, the system will look at the Typ field and fill this field with the specified type of account.


CIF Masters Missing Deposit or Loan Account Records



Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Household #

This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).

First Name

This is the account owner's first name taken from the CIF System (MNGNAM).  This is formatted as either the SSN or the EIN.

Last Name

This is the IRS owner's last name taken from the CIF System (MNLNAM).


This is the type of account taken from the CIF System (MNACTP).  All should be "R" for Retirement on this report.

Account Description

This is the account description entered by the employee into the CIF System upon opening the account.  If left blank, the system will look at the Typ field and fill this field with the specified type of account.


Duplicate Social Security Numbers



Soc Sec Nbr

This is the Social Security number on the account. The accounts are sorted and grouped together by this number. This is formatted as either the SSN or the EIN.


This is the type of account taken from the CIF System (MNACTP).  All should be "R" for Retirement on this report.


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).

Household Nbr

This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

First Name

This is the account owner's first name taken from the CIF System (MNGNAM).


This is the IRS owner's relationship to the head of household.



Note: If the Social Security number is 000-00-0000 - 999-99-9999 then they will not appear in this section of the report.


Incomplete Domestic Addresses

This report is printed if accounts fit into one of the following categories:


1. Both Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 are blank

2. Address Line 1 = “No Address”

3. City = Blanks

4. State = Blanks

5. ZIP = Zeros




Address Line 1

This is the street address of the account taken from the CIF System (NAADD1).

Address Line 2

This is for the part of the street address which does not fit into Address Line 1 (NAADD2).


This is the home City of Address Line 1 (NACITY).


This is the home State of Address Line 1 (NASTAT).

ZIP Plus4

This is the ZIP Code for the address (NAZIPC). Four extra spaces are included for possible extensions to the normal 5-number code (i.e. 84543-1234).


This is the home country of the address (NACTRY).


This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).


Incomplete Foreign Addresses

This report is printed if accounts fit into one of the following categories:


1. Both Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 are blank

2. Address Line 1 = “No Address”

3. City = Blanks

4. Country = Blanks

5. Postal Code = Blanks or Zeros




Address Line 1

This is the street address of the account taken from the CIF System (NAADD1).

Address Line 2

This is for the part of the street address which does not fit into Address Line 1 (NAADD2).


This is the home City of Address Line 1 (NACITY).


This is the home State of Address Line 1 (NASTAT).

Pstl Cd

This is the ZIP Code for the address (NAZIPC).


This is the home country of the address (NACTRY).


This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the account sequence number in the household taken from the CIF System (MNTSEQ).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided on each sub-report under "number of records for this section." On the "Deposit Accounts Missing Household Number" sub-report the total account balance is also shown at the bottom.

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