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Required Minimum Distribution Comparison (FPSDR144)

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Required Minimum Distribution Comparison (FPSDR144)

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This report can be processed at any time. It is recommended that this report process for your institution prior to year-end. It can be processed on the same day each year.



The Required Minimum Distribution Comparison report shows all accounts within a plan and their YTD distribution totals. This report compares the distribution totals with the plan’s required minimum distribution amount (RMD) and shows the difference, if there is any. If the customer has not taken enough distributions to meet the RMD amount, then a shortage will be calculated and shown on this report by putting a minus sign (-) after the difference amount.


This report only pulls accounts that are in periodic distribution, are not Roths or Education IRAs, and do not have the RMD on another plan set to “Y.”


There is an option to run the report showing only those plans that are short on their required minimum distribution (RMD), or you can run the report showing all surpluses and shortages.


This report sorts by household and plan number.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To pull only accounts with a shortage, Misc Opts 1 must be set to “Y.”


See FPSDR144 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Household Number

This is the household number for the account, taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).


This is the plan number for the account.

Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.


This is the status of the account. Valid statuses are OPND (opened), CLSD (closed), INAC (inactive), and DORM (dormant).


This is the balance of the account when the report was printed.

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account, taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

YTD Distributions

This is the amount of year-to-date distributions on the account.

Minimum Dist.

This is the required minimum distribution (RMD) amount on the plan.


This is the difference between the total year-to-date distribution amount and the required minimum distribution amount. A shortage will show a negative amount. If more distributions have been made to the RMD amount, the difference will show a positive amount.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by plan number for the following:


Total number of accounts

Total number of plan balance amounts

Total year-to-date plan distribution


Institution totals are also provided.

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