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ACH Return and Notification of Change Items (FPSDR043)

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ACH Return and Notification of Change Items (FPSDR043)

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This report is run daily in the afterhours.



The ACH Return and Notification of Change Items Report lists items coming back to the institution as returns through the ACH system. It also lists notifications of death and any notification of changes that come from other financial institutions through the ACH system. This report generally will not have a lot of items on a daily basis.


When the first miscellaneous option is set, the first 10 characters of the Misc Parm field are compared to the 10 characters in the company entry description in the ACH header record. Only those items that match are pulled. A file is also created that includes the information from the selected returns. In order for the returns to appear in this file, the transaction code has to be changed so that the returns will post to the control account number in the company entry description of the ACH record. The return file can be downloaded through the File Transfer Utility or the FTP site. This is done with a separate setup of this report (ACH Return and Notification of Change Items). All returns that do not have the account number in the setup record will appear on the regular setup of this report, which does not have the miscellaneous option set or the posted returns.


A special sort with page breaks by originator is available for this report.



Note: Death notifications need to be manually added to the ACH information screen and a stop payment placed on the record (function 40 in the Deposit System).



GOLDPoint Systems Only: FPSRCVBK and the individual RMB program need to be changed to post the returns and to add necessary information to the seventh record to make this work. To sort by originator, set the Sort Key field to “80” and the Critical from 1 to 20.



Report Column Information

See FPSDR043 Example for an example of this report.




Return Type

This field indicates whether the item is a return, a notification of change, or a death notification. This can also be determined by the reason code. Reason codes that begin with an R are returns and those that begin with a C are changes.

Customer Information

This contains the following four items:  the account number, customer name, trace number, and effective date.  The account number is the account number on the system for which the original ACH item was sent.  It may be a deposit or loan number and may also have the GOLDPoint Systems institution number as the first few digits of the account number.  The account number comes from the ACH name field of the ACH Detail record.  The customer name is the name of the account holder on the

GOLDPoint Systems and comes from the ACH Detail record and not the CIF System.  The trace number is the ACH trace number associated with this particular item.  The effective date is the effective date of the ACH batch that the item came in.

Routing Transit #

This is the routing number of the receiving institution.

Return Information

This contains the following four items:  the ACH tran code, amount, reason code, and reason.  The ACH tran code is the transaction code that came with this item.  A list of valid ACH items in each of these categories is contained in the ACH rules publication.  Only the tran codes for returns and notifications of change are selected for this report.  The amount is the amount of the original item sent out through the ACH system (notifications of change will have a zero amount).  The reason code tells the reason that this item is being sent back to the financial institution.  Reason codes beginning with the letter R designate returns and those beginning with the letter C designate notifications of change.  The last item in this column is the reason description.  The reason code is used to look up the reason description.

Standard Entry Class

This field contains the three-character ACH standard-entry class code for this ACH item (PPD, CCD, etc.).

Originator Information

This contains the following three items:  the routing transit number, account number, and name of the company.  The routing transit number is the one assigned to the company that sent this item.  The account number is the account number at that company for which the item is being returned.  The name is the name of the company that sent the item.

Company ID

This is the identification number of the company sending this ACH transaction.

Corrected Data

This is the corrected data coming back with the return.  This will contain information only for a notification of change.  For example, if the notification of change was code C01, incorrect account number, the correct account number would appear in this column.  This allows the financial institution receiving the notification of change to correct the information on their files so that future transactions will run smoothly.  This information is found in the ACH Addenda record.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are provided at the bottom of the report for the total number of items and the total amount of debits and total amount of credits. If sorting and page breaking are by originator name, subtotals will also be provided by originator.

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