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This file can only be run at monthend because it reads through all the history for the month. There are several fields that are available on this file that are not available on the other file creation programs.
The purpose of this program is to create a file to be sent to Marquis. It does not create a report. This file is sent out to the BLOB (Binary Large Object File), where it can be downloaded through the FTP server. Every open deposit account will be pulled. The fields that are included in this file are the deposit (DM), CIF (MN), safe deposit box (SB), ATM/Debit card (IC), and account history (DZ) records. There is also a corresponding loan file that is created by a loan report program (FPSRP188). Listed below is the file layout with the records that will be pulled when this report program is run.
GOLDPoint Systems Only: To pull the correct information for a Call Trax daily file, a separate report must be set up with the 3rd Misc Opts field set to “Y.” Only the deposit record (DM) should be used with this option. Account history (DZ) and CIF (MN) are not used with this option.
To set up a Marquis file report, the 16th Misc Opts field needs to be set to “Y,” so a month’s history will be read.
To set up a Marquis file report that prints account names #1 (position 41), 2 (position 86), and 3 (position 131) in first-, middle-, last-format, the 2nd misc opts field needs to be set to “Y.”
To set up a range of Jumbo CD Product codes, the 1st Misc Opts field needs to be set to “Y.” The Jumbo CD Product code start and Product code finish need to be entered in the Misc Parm fields, separated by a space. All accounts within this range will have “JCD” in the Account Type Code (B) field (position 346). |
File Information
Field Description |
Position |
Length |
Account First Name |
1 |
20 |
Account Last Name |
21 |
20 |
Account Name #1 (Last, First, M)* |
41 |
45 |
Account Name #2 (Last, First, M)* |
86 |
45 |
Account Name #3 (Last, First, M)* |
131 |
45 |
Account Formal Salutation |
176 |
4 |
Address Line 1 |
180 |
45 |
Address Line 2 |
225 |
45 |
ZIP Code |
270 |
5 |
ZIP Code (+4) |
275 |
4 |
Gender (M/F) |
279 |
1 |
Phone Number |
280 |
12 |
Birth Date |
292 |
8 |
Age |
300 |
3 |
Account Number (DMACTA) |
303 |
16 |
Household Number (MNHHLD) |
319 |
12 |
Social Security Number |
331 |
11 |
Account Type Code |
342 |
4 |
Account Type Code (B) |
346 |
5 |
Business/Retail Flag (Y/N) |
351 |
1 |
Open Date (MMDDYYCC) |
352 |
8 |
Maturity Date (MMDDYYCC) |
360 |
8 |
Date Last Tran (MMDDYYCC) |
368 |
8 |
Branch Code |
376 |
4 |
Officer Code |
380 |
4 |
Opening Balance (DMOBAL) |
384 |
12 |
Account Balance (DMCRBL) |
396 |
12 |
Average Balance (DMAVBL) |
408 |
12 |
Minimum Balance (DMMNBL) |
420 |
12 |
Account Term |
432 |
3 |
Interest Rate (DMRATE) |
435 |
6 |
ATM Card Flag (Y/N) Type #02 |
441 |
1 |
Debit Card Type #03 or Type #04 |
442 |
1 |
Safe Deposit Box (Y/N) |
443 |
1 |
Credit Card (Y/N) Type #05 |
444 |
1 |
Employee Account (Y/N) |
445 |
1 |
Mail Flag (Y/N) |
446 |
1 |
Service Charges YTD (DMSVYD) |
447 |
12 |
Number of Checks Cleared (DMCKCY) |
459 |
5 |
Number of Deposits/Month |
464 |
5 |
Number of Withdrawals/Month |
469 |
5 |
Email Address (CFEMAD) |
474 |
40 |
Number of ATM Usages (Debits and Credits) |
514 |
3 |
Foreign Items |
517 |
3 |
Number of Debit Card Usages (DMMDDC) |
520 |
3 |
Number of On-Us Items |
523 |
3 |
City (CACITY) |
526 |
20 |
State Abbreviation (CASTAT) |
546 |
2 |
YTD Deposits (DMYDDP) |
548 |
11 |
YTD Withdrawals |
559 |
11 |
MTD Deposits (DMMDDP) |
570 |
11 |
MTD Withdrawals (DMMDWD) |
581 |
11 |
Online Billpayer (Y/N) |
592 |
1 |
GOLDPhone Usages per Month |
593 |
3 |
Online Banking Transactions per Month |
596 |
3 |
Restrict GOLDPhone? (Y/N) (DMGDPH) |
599 |
1 |
GOLDPhone Active? (Y/N) (DMGBNK) |
600 |
1 |
Date Account Went Negative (DMDTNG) |
601 |
8 |
User-defined Field Number 8 |
609 |
14 |
Limit to go Negative (DMNGLM) |
623 |
12 |
Referring Teller Number (DMRTLR) |
635 |
10 |
Restrict Internet? (Y/N) (PCGDIN) |
645 |
1 |
Source of Funds (DMSFND) |
646 |
8 |
Ownership Code for Name #1 |
654 |
3 |
Ownership Description for Name #1 |
657 |
15 |
**First Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #1 |
672 |
1 |
**Second Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #1 |
673 |
1 |
**Third Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #1 |
674 |
1 |
Ownership Code for Name #2 |
675 |
3 |
Ownership Description for Name #2 |
678 |
15 |
**First Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #2 |
693 |
1 |
**Second Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #2 |
694 |
1 |
**Third Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #2 |
695 |
1 |
Ownership Code for Name #3 |
696 |
3 |
Ownership Description for Name #3 |
699 |
15 |
**First Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #3 |
714 |
1 |
**Second Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #3 |
715 |
1 |
**Third Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #3 |
716 |
1 |
Advertising Code (from CIF file) (LNSADV) |
717 |
4 |
Credit Score for Name #1 (LNRSK1) |
721 |
3 |
Credit Score for Name #2 (LNRSK1) |
724 |
3 |
Credit Score for Name #3 (LNRSK1) |
727 |
3 |
GOLD HomeBanker Active? (Y/N) (DMWWWA) |
730 |
1 |
**Fourth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #1 |
731 |
1 |
**Fourth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #2 |
732 |
1 |
**Fourth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #3 |
733 |
1 |
**Fifth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #1 |
734 |
1 |
**Fifth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #2 |
735 |
1 |
**Fifth Opt-out/Opt-in Option for Name #3 |
736 |
1 |
Name #1 is a Business Name? (Y/N) |
737 |
1 |
* These fields can also be printed in first-, middle-, last-format.
** If institution option OP10 OPIN is set, then a “Y” in this field indicates Opt-in. The default is Opt-out.
Totals and Subtotals Provided
Institution totals are provided for the total number of accounts read and the total current balance of the accounts.