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Reject Handler Report (FPSDR067)

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Reject Handler Report (FPSDR067)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Reject Handler Report prints the contents of all reject records in the Reject Handler for the processing date. This report is sorted by Reject Handler sequence number only, though the user may set up the report to sort (not total) by the following fields:


80 Tran/Mod/TORC

81 Account Number

82 Primary Reject Reason

83 Secondary Reject Reason

84 Reject Date



Note: This report can only be run one time per day. Miscellaneous option 1 excludes informational imaging reject items from the report. This option will only be used if GOLDPoint Systems sends an all items file to your check processor. (OPT9 = RTCK is set to "Y" or OPTG CIFR is set to "Y.")


Report Column Information

See FPSDR067 Example for an example of this report.




Sequence Number

This is the sequence from the Reject Handler record.

Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

IRS Owner Name

This is the full name of the IRS owner of the account in last-first- middle format.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transaction that was rejected.


Deposit System transaction code that was rejected for this transaction.


This is the transaction modifier code (if any) that is part of this transaction.


This is the Transaction Origination Code for the transaction.

Primary Reject Reason

This is the reason why the transaction was placed in the Reject Handler files.

Secondary Reject Reason

This is an additional reason why the transaction was placed in the Reject Handler.  This is usually to clarify the Primary Reason.


In addition to the main information, there are 6 other lines of data for each reject item, arranged in 4 columns across the report, each item with its own description. Information arranged this way is:


Column 1

Reject Status

Date Account Opened

Date of Last Transaction

Date Account Last Went Negative

Home Phone Number

Work Phone Number


Column 2

Payable Balance at Time of Transaction

Available Balance (Includes Overdraft Available)

Current Balance

Uncollected Funds

Monetary Holds

Over-the-Counter Holds


Column 3

Reference Number

Trace Number

* Originator Number or ATM Switch Date and Time

Number of Returned Items Year-to-Date

Number of Overdrafts Year-to-Date


Column 4

Account Type

Statement Cycle

Product Code

Overdraft Types (all 5)

Officer Code

Employee Account Indicator

Hold/Action Codes


When the report includes an ATM transaction, the switch date and time will replace and be displayed in the Originator # field.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

This report is always subtotaled by transaction code for the number of each transaction code, total amount of all transactions, total amount posted to accounts, total amount rejected, total amount returned, and the total service fee charged. Final totals are displayed for all transactions.

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