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System File Maintenance Report (FPSDR055)

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System File Maintenance Report (FPSDR055)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The System File Maintenance Report provides a list of the file maintenance changes to the system that have occurred for that processing day including changes to teller total changes. The items listed on this report change the system setup, not individual customer accounts. Note that both deposit and loan record changes appear in system history. If you don’t want teller totals to appear on the report, submit a work order with your request. The following information is included in the report.


Record type

Teller or employee number of the person making the change Note: If the transaction was performed/processed by an GOLDPoint Systems employee, an asterisk (*) will be adjacent to the teller number.

Identification number of the terminal where the change was made

Time of the change

Name of the field that changed

The data in the field prior to the change

The data in the field after the change

A description of the field


This report is sorted alphabetically by record type.


A report option to show only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees is available.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: DZ should always be entered in the Misc Parm field. Teller Totals can be skipped by entering DZ TL in the Misc Parm field.


To report only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees, set Misc Opts 2 to “Y.”


Report Column Information

See FPSDR055 Example for an example of this report.





This is a 2-character code for the type of record that was changed.  Possible record types are:

AB  Analysis Option Record (Loans)

AF  Analysis Cycle Fill Record

AI   Account Analysis Inst Data

AP  Customer-Directed Transfers Payee-Alpha

C#  Check Number  

CT  Report Category

CY  Statement Cycle Table

DX  Customer-Directed Transfers

DY  Deposit Yearend Record

ES  Employee Field Level Security Record

FS  Fld Lvl Security for Nonrecs

GA General Ledger Autopost Parameters Record

GB Government Bond Redemption Record

GC General Ledger Cross Reference Record

GE General Ledger External Posting Record

GP General Ledger Posting Fields Record

GR System History Retention

GS General Ledger Summarization Record

GX  General Ledger Overdraft Cross Reference

GZ  Deposit Generic Hist Record

HC  Hold Code Definition

HD  Holiday Schedule Record (Loans)

IR   IRS Information Returns

OA Override Analysis Description

OR Officer Record

PA  Product Code Next Account Record

PC  Product Code Record

RI   Report Index

RM Retirement Beneficiary Record

RP  Retirement Plan Record

RS  Deposit Report Setup Record

RT  Rate Table Record (Loans)

SC  Deposit Service Charge Definitions

TB  Deposit Rate Table Record

TC  Transaction Condition Override

TD  Teller Transaction Definition

TL   Teller Information Record

TO  Transaction Override Record

TP  Customer-directed Transfers Payee

TR  Deposit Rate Tier Table Record

TS  Teller Statistics Record

TX   Transaction Descriptor Record

UD  User-defined Help Record

UM GOLDTrak User Mapping Record

UR  User-Defined Records (Loans)

XS  Warehouse Index Definition.

Teller/Emp Number

This column displays the identification number of the employee who made the change to the system. If an asterisk is displayed, an GOLDPoint Systems employee processed this transaction.

Terminal ID

This column displays the identification number of the terminal where the change was made.

Tran Time

This column displays the time that the transaction took place in HH.MM.SS format.

Field Name

This column displays the mnemonic for the field that was changed.          

Previous Data

This column displays the data found in the field prior to the change. If this column is blank, the field was empty prior to this change.

Current Data

This column displays the data found in this field after the change was made.

Field Description

This column displays the field description of the field that changed.  Only 15 spaces are available here, so descriptions may be truncated.

Key Is

Where applicable, this field appears on the report to indicate which item was changed.  For example, you may have a number of service charge codes set up on the system.  When a change is made to service charge code 101, this field will display "SERVICE CHARGE COD 101," thereby indicating which service charge code has changed.

In some instances, more than one KEY IS field may appear.  For example, retirement plans are set up by household number and then retirement plan number.  There are two key fields for a record of this type:  Household Number and Plan Number.  Both of these will appear on the report to indicate which plan number within which household was changed.

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