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Significant Balance Change Report (FPSDR167)

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Significant Balance Change Report (FPSDR167)

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This report should run daily in the afterhours.



The Significant Balance Change Report contains all accounts where the balances have changed by a given amount on the day the report is run. The amount of the change can be defined to be any valid amount (from 0.00 to 999,999,999.99).


The sorting options are:


80 Office number

81 Product Code



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Miscellaneous parameters of 11 digits must be entered in the first 11 spaces of the Misc Parm field. This is the amount the account balance must change on the day the report is run in order to show up on the report. For example, “00000010000" represents a balance change of $100.00. If left blank, all accounts will be pulled.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR167 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Household Number

This is the household number for the account, taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account, taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Prod Code

This is the product code used for this account, taken from the Product Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen  (function 1/2).

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account, taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Previous Balance

This is the calculated value of what the account balance was at business close of the prior processing date.

Payable Balance

This is the payable balance on the account for the date of the report.

Available Balance

This is the available balance on the account for the date of the report.

Net Change

This is the amount the account balance changed during the day the report was run.  These amounts will be equal to or greater than the amount specified as the significant balance change.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals and Subtotals are provided in the following categories:


1. Total number of accounts.

2. Total balance of reported accounts.

3. Total balance of reported accounts as of the last processing day.

4. Total of all deposit amounts reported.

5. Total of all withdrawal amounts reported.

6. Total change in balance of all reported accounts.

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