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Step 6: Submitting the Payment

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Step 6: Submitting the Payment

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Once you have established the payment method, type, amount, name, and account, the final step in the EZPay Payment Submission Process is submitting the payment. Once all information on the EZPay screen is accurate, click submitpaymentbutton2 in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


After the transaction is confirmed, payment information is transmitted to a secure server at GOLDPoint Systems. The user’s credentials are then re-validated on the host.


If the transaction requested is a Debit/Credit card payment, the card number and expiration date are validated, the host transaction is performed, and a card authorization request is sent to your institution's card processor for approval. If approved, a confirmation number is assigned and returned to the screen. If denied, the host transaction is reversed and the appropriate error message is displayed. See Declined Credit Cards for more information about alert settings and institution options pertaining to denied cards.


If the transaction requested is an E-Check payment, the host transaction is performed and the appropriate ACH transaction is queued to be sent in the following nightly processing to your institution’s correspondent bank or ACH operator.


Additionally, a letter can be generated using GOLD EventLetters to notify customers that a payment was made. These letters are optional, as explained in the EZPay Event Letters topic.


yellowminustoggleReversing a Transaction
yellowminustoggleRecurring Payment Reversals
yellowminustoggleCollection Comments
yellowminustoggleCollection Queue Option
yellowminustoggleAfterhours Processing Exceptions Listing Report (FPSRP013)



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