Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact tab >

Collection/Contact comment tab

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact tab >

Collection/Contact comment tab

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The Collection or Contact tab (depending on where this tab is accessed) is located on several different screens in CIM GOLD. It can also be accessed from the Options > Show Collection Comments menu at the top of CIM GOLD.


Users can use this tab to record collection efforts and any other information helpful in maintaining the selected customer account. The Employee Performance screen and Promise Tracking screen records employees' performance in collecting payments from borrowers, as explained in the Follow-Up Date field.


Collection or Contact Tab on many screens in CIM GOLD

Collection or Contact Tab on many screens in CIM GOLD


Three list views are visible at the bottom of this tab. See Collection/Contact list views for more information about these list views.


See below for more information about the buttons at the bottom of this tab.


hmtoggle_arrow1Collection/Contact buttons


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Follow-Up Date


Mnemonic: QAFDTE

Use this field to enter a follow-up date to call the borrower to check up on whether any payments were made to bring the account current. See Follow-Up Date for more information.


This field can be updated by comment codes, with some exceptions. See Comment Code below for more details.



Mnemonic: QHHHMM

This field is the collection comment follow-up time, which corresponds to the follow-up date.

Comment Code


Mnemonic: QHHACD

Click the list icon jump to select from a list of codes that represent actions taken on the loan. These represent areas such as incoming calls, outgoing calls, responses made, and reasons given. See below for more information.


Promise Amount


Mnemonic: N/A

Enter any amount the customer promises to pay in this field. See Promise Amount for more information.



Mnemonic: QHHADS

This field allows you to free-format a comment, or it displays the comment associated with the code previously entered. Once you enter information in this field and click <Process>, the comment will be displayed in the Comments list view, as shown below.


Click to expand.

Click to expand.


Information in this list view table may have a colored background (as it does in the example above). If so, it notifies you that a certain employee or type of employee set up this comment (such as a teller, a supervisor, etc.).


Background colors on comments are set up from the Queues > Collection > History Configuration screen.

Days Back


Mnemonic: N/A

This field allows you to select how far back you want to view contact information history. You can also set the default for the Days Back field through User Preferences accessed from the Options menu. Once you type a number in this field, click <Refresh> to pull contact information from the number of days specified. The information will appear in the list view below this field.

Special Comments


Mnemonic: QACLDS

Four lines are available to enter comments. These comment lines are file maintained by the user. Comments are free formatted and can be changed or deleted at any time, as shown below.




See also:


Collection/Contact list view tables

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