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Dealers Screen

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Dealers Screen

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Use the Dealer System Dealers screen to set up new dealers or approve dealer applications sent from eGOLDTrak. Most dealers use eGOLDTrak to apply online to be approved for dealer status with your institution. Once they apply online (through the link on your website), they need to be approved using the Approval Queue on the Dealers screen. However, you can also manually set up dealers using this screen.


Once the dealer has been approved, they can submit borrowers' loan applications for pre-approval and final approval of loans through your institution's website. Use GOLDTrak for final approval of loans and to print needed documents.



How To Items

This screen allows you to:

Add or Delete Application Types

Add or Modify ACH Payment Information

Add or Modify Custom Data

Add or Modify Phone Numbers

Add Notes

Add or Remove Alerts

Add or Remove Relationships

Approve Dealers

Approve Pending Dealer Applications

Create a New Dealer Manually

Manage Users

Search for a Dealer

Set Up Addresses

Set Up Contacts

Use Dealer Applications Link



Additional Information


See the Dealers Screen Details section for more information about all of the fields and buttons on this screen.


Using this screen you can search for dealers that have already been entered in the system, view dealer applications waiting to be approved, or create a new dealer record.



Setting up Security


You must have proper security to access this screen and make changes to any dealers. Set up security using the following steps:


1.Access the Security > Setup screen.

2.Select the employee you want to set up security for in the Employees list view.

3.Click the CIM GOLD tab.

4.Click the arrow next to Dealer System to reveal all the security in the Dealer System.

5.Select the Maintain radio button for Dealers.

6.Click <Save Changes>.


See Also:

Dealer System

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