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Approve Pending Dealer Applications

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Approve Pending Dealer Applications

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To approve pending dealer applications using the Dealers screen:


1.Click the Dealer Applications link. A dialog box appears displaying all businesses that have applied for dealer status with your institution and are awaiting approval.

2.Click a dealer you want to approve in the list (only one dealer can be selected at a time). (Note: If the dealer does not appear in this list, the dealer may have already been approved/denied, or the dealer might not have registered on eGOLDTrak yet.)

3.Click <Create Dealer>. A message is displayed saying the dealer has been successfully added. The dealer is moved to the Approval Queue.

4.Select the Approval Queue radio button at the top of the screen. The Dealers list view displays all dealers that have expired or are pending approval.

5.Find and select the dealer you just added in steps 2 and 3 above. The information for that dealer, as set up by them in eGOLDTrak, is displayed in the fields on this screen.

? TIP: To quickly find dealers with pending approval, click the Status column twice to sort the pending approval dealers to the top.

6.If you need to, add information in any of the fields or buttons for this dealer.

7.Click <Save>.

8.Click <Approval Steps> if you want to approve the dealer, or <Temporary Approval> if you only want to approve the dealer for a designated number of days (as set up on the Dealer System > Options screen). The Approval Status for this dealer is updated, and the dealer can now set up loans through your institution.


An option is available for the system to send an email to the dealer once they've been approved. The option is set up on the Dealer System > Dealer Approval Setup screen. If this option is set up, you must enter the dealer's email address in the Email Address field.


See also:

Dealers Screen

Dealers Screen Details

Dealer System

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