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Create a New Dealer Manually

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Create a New Dealer Manually

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To create a new dealer manually (not using eGOLDTrak) using the Dealers screen:


1.Click <Create New> at the bottom of the screen. The fields on this screen are cleared and open for data entry.

2.Enter the name of the dealer in the Name field.

3.Enter the EIN or SSN number for the dealer.

4.Enter the Parent Name, Email Address, and Web Address for the dealer. These fields are optional.

5.Complete the rest of the fields on this screen for this borrower. (See field descriptions below for detailed information on each field.) Note that the Active box is grayed out when setting up a dealer manually from the Dealers screen. The Active checkbox indicates the dealer used eGOLDTrak to apply to be a dealer. Since this dealer is set up in CIM GOLD, the Active box is automatically grayed out.

6.Once all the fields are completed, click <Save>.

7.Click one of the Approval buttons: <Approval Steps>, <Temporary Approval>, or <Approved Branches>.


The dealer is now approved to submit loans to your institution. Note: An option is available for the system to send an email to the dealer once they've been approved. The option is set up on the Dealer System > Dealer Approval Setup screen. If this option is set up, you must enter the dealer's email address in the Email Address field.


See also:

Dealers Screen

Dealers Screen Details

Dealer System

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