Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Interest Fields Screen >

Interest Fields tab

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Interest Fields Screen >

Interest Fields tab

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The Interest Fields tab on the Interest Fields screen allows you to view and edit information about interest processing on an account. These fields are only file maintainable if the customer account uses the interest feature (the Interest field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen is marked).


See the following example of this tab.


Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen, Interest Fields tab

Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen, Interest Fields tab


The Interest Method, Interest Frequency, Interest Destination, and Interest Balance Code fields at the top-left of this tab are essential fields that determine the method used to determine the interest calculation, the frequency interest earnings will be posted, how the account owner wants those interest earnings paid to them, and the balance used to calculate the earned interest. See below for more information about these fields.


hmtoggle_arrow1Essential Interest Fields


The other fields on this screen are important options that affect interest and rate defaults. The field groups on this tab are as follows:


Interest Options field group


Interest Balance History field group


Current Year Interest Information field group


Interest Rate Defaults field group

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