Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Interest Fields Screen >

Withholding Information tab

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Interest Fields Screen >

Withholding Information tab

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Use this tab to view and edit fund withholding options for deposit accounts when interest payments (see Interest Destination) or retirement distributions (see the Retirement Overview help topic) are made.


This tab is for tax withholding purposes. See below for information about general guidelines for tax withholding.


hmtoggle_arrow1Tax Withholding Information


Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen, Withholding Information tab

Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen, Withholding Information tab


These fields are only file maintainable if the customer account uses the interest feature (the Interest field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen is marked and IN appears in the Features list at the top of most CIM GOLD screens). Interest features can also be adjusted for individual customer accounts in the Interest Fields field group on the Account Information screen.


There are two main field groups on this tab: The Withholding Options field group and the unlabeled group of fields at the bottom of the tab. Follow the links below for more information about these field groups.


Withholding Options field group


Withholding Information bottom fields

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