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Right CDT fields

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Right CDT fields

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Use this unlabeled field group on the right side of the Customer Directed Transfers screen to view and edit general information about a customer directed transfers (CDT) being created/edited for the customer deposit account. To learn more about the necessary procedures for specific types of CDT, see the Customer Directed Transfer Procedures help page.




The fields in this field group are as follows:







Use this field to indicate whether the customer directed transfer being created/edited is coming into or out of the customer account. This is a required field. See below for more information.


NSF Retry


Mnemonic: DXNSFR

Use this field to indicate whether the system should re-attempt to pull funds the following night if a non-sufficient funds error occurs when trying to complete the customer directed transfer being created/edited. If this field is marked, the system will attempt to try to pull funds each night until a transaction can occur.

Limit Failed


Mnemonic: DXLMDT

This field is not currently in use because GOLDPoint Systems does not set limits for customer directed transfers.

Pending Dual Approval


Mnemonic: DXPDAP

Use this field to indicate whether a customer has required a specified person to approve all CDTs on their account. See below for more information.


Pending Verification


Mnemonic: DXPVER

This field indicates whether verification is complete for the setup of the CDT selected in the CDT list view. See below for more information.


Changed on WEB


Mnemonic: DXOWEB

This field indicates whether the CDT selected in the CDT list view was set up or altered by your customers on your institution's website. A checkmark in this field indicates that file maintenance occurred through your institution's website for the selected transfer.

Standard Entry Class


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate the Standard Entry Class (SEC) code to be used in the selected customer directed transfer (CDT). The three most common SEC codes, which are available in this field, are:


PPD: Prearranged Payment and Deposit

WEB: Debit Internet-Initiated Entry

TEL: Debit Telephone-Initiated Entry


These codes are included with ACH batches that the system sends to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Source Account Type


Mnemonic: DXATPE

This field indicates the type of account the CDT being created/edited is debiting from or crediting to (depending on the option selected in the Receive/Send/Both field). See below for more information.


Interest Destination


Mnemonic: DMIDST

Use this field to indicate an interest destination code for the CDT being created/edited. See below for more information.


PIN Identification


Mnemonic: DMPNID

This field is not currently in use.

Retirement Contribution Type


Mnemonic: WKRCON

This field is not currently in use.

Source Doc


Mnemonic: DXSDOC

Use this field to indicate any necessary information regarding the source of the selected CDT. This field is optional.



Mnemonic: DXINFO

Use this field to indicate any necessary information about the CDT being created/edited. See below for more information.


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