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Interest Fields Screen

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Interest Fields Screen

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Use the Interest Fields screen to view and edit information about interest processing on the account. This screen is only for accounts with the interest feature enabled (the Interest field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen is checked and IN appears in the Features list at the top of most CIM GOLD screens). If this is not an interest account, the fields on this screen will not be file maintainable and a message appears at the bottom of the screen stating that the account does not have the interest feature (see below):




Most of the time, the options set up on this screen are initially set up when the account is opened. However, you can make changes to individual accounts using this screen. For example, if an account owner wants to change how interest is paid to them (either through check, transfer to another account, or added to the account balance), you would use the Interest Destination field to change that information on the account.



Note About Viewing Information For Memo Post Accounts: If your institution processes proof transactions (Institution Option BANK is enabled) for customer deposit accounts, this screen provides the ability to toggle between viewing actual (real-time) account information and account information as of any pending memo post transactions (for accounts with the Memo Post Account field on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen marked).


On accounts that match the criteria indicated above, a bold red letter will be visible at the top of the screen to the right of the main menu bar (see example screenshot below) when this screen is accessed. This red letter will either be M or A. Click on this letter to toggle between viewing an account’s Actual information or its Memo post information.


Remember that an account’s Actual information does not factor in memo post/proof transactions that have not yet been processed by your institution. When viewing an account’s Memo post information, most fields on the screen will be locked and unavailable for editing.


Memo post transactions appear in system History accompanied by an asterisk in the Teller/Employee column.




Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields Screen

Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields Screen



Note: Some interest features can also be adjusted for individual customer accounts in the Interest Fields field group on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen. If information is adjusted on that tab, information in the fields on this screen will also change, and vice versa.


Interest Fields tab


Tier Table tab


Withholding Information tab


At the bottom of this screen (regardless of which tab is selected), a field is available for entering short user-defined notes about the selected account. The information in this User Information field (mnemonic DMINFO, see below) saves when <Save Changes> is clicked and also appears at the bottom of the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen.





Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the FPDM and FPM2 records (Deposit Master, Deposit Master 2). You can run reports for these records through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See FPDM and FPM2 in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in these records. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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