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Deposit Checks Screen

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Deposit Checks Screen

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Use the Deposits > Check Printing > Deposit Checks screen to print checks from your institution to customers with deposit interest or retirement accounts. You can print deposit checks for one account, for several accounts, or for all accounts at one time.



Note: Before you can print checks, you must first set up the check format using the Deposits > Check Printing > Check Format Setup screen.


In order for check records to be printed from this screen, the account must have the following setup:


hmtoggle_arrow1For deposit interest and retirement interest accounts:


hmtoggle_arrow1For retirement distribution accounts:


GOLDPoint Systems has assigned format 9 to all deposit account checks. A subtype can be used to have different check formats for maturity interest, retirement distributions, etc. Deposit check information is automatically added to the Check Reconciliation system, found in the CIM GOLD tree view under GOLD Services > Check Reconciliation. If checks are reprinted, a cross-reference number and sequence will be added to the record.


This screen can be used to do the following:


View the status of check data (new or printed).

Print a paper report of the checks in the printing process (right-click on the list view).

Print all checks in a specific format at one time or select specific checks in a format.

Reprint checks (due to paper jams, etc.).

Delete checks.

Send checks automatically to a third-party check reconciliation system after checks have been created and reconciled. (You must contact your GOLDPoint Systems Financial account specialist to get this set up.)

Print logos, signatures, and MICR lines, allowing you to use blank check paper instead of pre-printed check stock.


See the following example of this screen.



Deposits > Check Printing > Deposit Checks Screen





hmtoggle_arrow1Field Descriptions



See also:

Deposits > Check Printing > Check Format Setup screen.



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the FPCK and CSCK records (Check Printing Utility and Deposit Check Printing). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See FPCK and CSCK in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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