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GOLDWriter Mnemonic Dictionary

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GOLDWriter Mnemonic Dictionary

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This help manual provides the CIM GOLD source location and entry details for GOLDWriter field mnemonics.




GOLDWriter field mnemonics are organized into Master Record categories. To view a specific master record, indicate the desired record in the Master Record field (as explained in the first step of the GOLDWriter Report Wizard process, shown in the screenshot above). Many master records are available to select in the Master Record drop-down list, but many others do not appear in the list and must be manually indicated in the text portion of the Master Record field.


Follow the links in the table below to view the records and mnemonics available within each GOLDWriter master record. The master records listed in the left column are available for selection in the Master Record drop-down list. The master records listed in the right column can be viewed by manually entering a four-character record code in the text portion of the Master Record field (see each master record's help page to learn its four-character code).


All master records are also listed alphabetically in the table of contents on the left side of this web page.


Master Record Drop-Down List

Master Record Manual Entry

Acct Analysis AA


Amortizing Fees F1

Autofunding Rules AF

Bankruptcy BK

Batch Report Setup NR

Billing Statement Info BR
Card Issue IC

CD Rate Term Schedule CS

Chain of Debt Old to New CS

Chain of Debt New to Old CS

CIF Account NT

CIF Address NA

CIF Household NM

CIF Name and Address MN


Collateral Crops C5

Collateral Deposits C2

Collateral Inventory C8

Collateral Life Insu C6

Collateral Livestock C4

Collateral Securities C1

Collateral UCC C0

Collateral Vehicles C3

Commercial Loan Property PZ

Contract Collections Seller CN

Credit Bureau Info BU

Customer Information CI

Customer Profile PI

Dealer DL

Dealer Note Record NT

Dealer Option DO

Dealer Product Category DC

Dealer Product Record PR

Dealer Record DL

Dep Stop Pmts DT

Deposit CDT DX

Deposit History DZ

Deposit Master DM

Deposit Uncollected Funds DU

Distributor Record DI

Employment Info EI

Exception Item EI

Extension Record EX

IBE Web Transaction Log WB

Information for Opt-Out IF

Information Member Opt-Out I4

Insurance GL Account ID ID

Insurance IN

Internet Logon Key IK

Internet Security Setup SI

IRS Information Returns IR

Lending Inventory Detail LI

Loan Collateral Information CF

Loan CP2 Record D1

Loan History

Loan Master LN

Loan Miscellaneous Fees FO

Loan Modifications MF

Loan Notepad NP

Loan Officers LO

Loan Payoff Record PO

Loan Pmt Rate Calc LZ

Loan Renewal RE

Loan Type Descriptions LY

Loan User Def Flds UF

LOC Sub Limits LS

Manufacturer Recod MA

Misc Loan Fields ML

Misc Loan Record Fields M1

Miscellaneous Func Security MS

More Payoff Fields MP

Mortgage servicing rights MR

Mult Borrowers MA

Office Information OB

One-time ACH Payment AS

Payee Record CA

Payment Pattern Description EB

Payment Pattern Detail EC

Personal References PR

Plan Record PL

Platform Comptrack Branch PB

Platform Comptrack History PH

Platform Comptrack Teller PS

POS Match and Hold MH

Principal Reference PC

Prod Code Definition PC

Property Amenities PV

Property Expenses PQ

Property Income PW

Property Unit Sq Footage PU

Purchase and Promotions NL

Real Estate Collateral C7

Real Estate Legal Desc L7

Reserve Disbursement RD

Retirement Plans RP

Safe Deposit Box SB

Super Line SL

System History GZ

Tracking Items Descriptions T1

Tracking Misc Items TM

Tracking Report T0

WWW Accounts WT

Account Analysis Inst Data AI

Account Mailing label and details AM

ACH Funds Distribution AE

Advertising Codes AV

Advertising Message AM

Alert Configuration Record AK

Amortizing Fee Descriptions F2

Analysis Option Record AB

Analysis Projection AD

Analysis Update Record AC

Bankruptcy Basis For Claim BC

Bankruptcy Basis For Perfection BP

Bankruptcy Claims Fields BC

Bankruptcy Hearing Description BH

Bankruptcy Options BI

Bankruptcy Petition Arrearage PT

Bankruptcy Repayment Plan PN

Calculate Days Diff CD

Calculated Fields for M2 Record M2

Callback Info QI

Charge Off Reason Codes CR

Check Format Master FM

Check Image Batch IB

Check Image Exception IX

Check Image Information II

Check Issue Record for Pospay CI

Check Printing Utility CK

Check Reconciliation Record CR

CIF Address Information From MN AI

CIF ATM Options AO

CIF FM History NF

CIM Access Profile Rec SM

CIM Security Settings SJ

Client Defined Alerts DA

Collection Options QO

Collector Performance EP

Company Agent History CH

Confirmation Notice Record CN

Contact Queue Definition CQ

Convenience Fee FE

Coupon Format Master NM

Customer Comment ShortCuts CC

Customer Comment Types CN

Customer Comments NT

Customer Directed Xfers Payee AP

Customer ID Cross Reference KX

Dead History Record DH

Dealer Groups DG

Debt Description DD

Deferment Reason Codes DE

Deposit ATM ID Number Record DI

Deposit Check Printing CK

DNA Reason Codes DR

Easy Pay Institution Options EZ

Exception Reason Codes EC

External Payment Account EA

FHA Risk Based Premiums RB

Force Place Transaction Information F3

Formatted Phone Number PF

General Ledger Autopost Parms GA

General Ledger Cross Ref Rec GC

General Ledger External Posting GE

General Ledger Posting Fields GP

General Ledger Summarization GS

Generation Codes GC

Generic History GH

GNMA Liquidation Schedule L1

Hold Code Definition HC

Holiday Schedule HD

Homeowner Rent Code Descrip HR

Inst Deposit Event Setup IE

Institution Options OO

Insurance Code Descriptions IC

Interest On Negative Reserves NI

Invalid Routing And Accounts BR

ISO ATM Tranlog IT

LIP Budget Descriptions LD

LIP Payee Record PL

LIP Voucher Ranges VR

Loan Assumption LA

Loan Funding Rule Sets FR

Loan Funding Transactions FN

Loan Funding Transactions Setup FN

Loan Master Memopost Records LM

Loan Notepad Comment Codes NQ

Loan Pattern LP (CFLP)

Loan Pattern LP (FPLP)

Loan Pattern Header CJ

Loan Stop Payments Record SR

Loan Teller Processing L3

Loss Mitigation Plans MI

Lowside Override Codes OD

Micr Routing Information OR

Mitigating Factor Codes MF

Name Authorization NS

Next Check Number By Branch N#

Number Days To Perfect Title RT

Occupation Codes OC

Office Division Region Info ON

Office GL Record OF

Officer Record OR

Payment Calculator Terms PJ

Payment Reversal RV

Payment Schedule Calculations S5

Payoff Tran Droplist Descriptions PH

POC Itemization Other Description OI

Pre Payment Penalty Codes P1

Product Type PT

Property Preservation Description OP

Queue Specific QS

Rate Table TB

Rate Tier Table Record TR

Reason For Change RC

Regular Advertising AR

Report Category CT

Scorecard Descriptions CS

Security Codes SC

Security Institution Options IO

Selection Info Record SL

Special Handling Codes QA

Special Instructions to Teller SI

Statement Hold Code Restrictions SR

Tax Rate Table Detail TD

TCPS Result Descriptions TU

Teller Information Record TL

Teller System Transaction Bloc TB

Tier Table Record TT

User Defined Action Codes AC

User Defined Collection Comment Codes UC

User Defined Event Letters BL

User Defined Field Description UD

User Options Record UO


Www Option Record WO


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