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Chain of Debt Old to New CS

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Chain of Debt Old to New CS

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This section of the GOLDWriter Mnemonic Dictionary provides the CIM GOLD source location and entry details for GOLDWriter field mnemonics within the Chain of Debt Old to New (CSDC) record category.


The CSDC (Chain of Debt Old to New) and CSCD (Chain of Debt New to Old) are used for Multiple Loan Payoffs. Multiple Loan Payoffs are used when a customer wants to open a new loan to pay off the remaining balances on old loans. This record can be boarded when loan are opened through a third-party origination system and boarded through our APIs or GOLD Loan Gateway, or through GOLDAcquire Plus or GOLDTrak PC.


Once the loan is boarded through, the prior loans can be viewed on the Original Loan Disclosure screen in CIM GOLD (only in CIM GOLD version 7.8.18 and above). Additionally, the new loan that paid off the old loans can be retracted (reversed) in CIM GOLDTeller, and the old loan accounts will be reinstated. The two records (CSDC and CSCD) are needed behind the scenes to smoothly accommodate the system paying off multiple loans with a new loan, or reversing the new loan and reinstating the paid-off loans.


You can see these records in GOLDWriter, or if you have a replicated or mirrored SQL database, you can view these records in the database.


This table is organized alphabetically by field Mnemonic.




CIM GOLD Field Location



New Account Number

Not available until CIM GOLD version 7.8.18. This record is found on the Loans > Original Loan Disclosure screen. Must have institution option TREE set.

10- or 12-digits, depending on if you use the 2- or 4-digit office number. Includes office number, account number, and 2-digit check number


Old Account Number

Not available until CIM GOLD version 7.8.18. This record is found on the Loans > Original Loan Disclosure screen. Must have institution option TREE set.

10- or 12-digits, depending on if you use the 2- or 4-digit office number. Includes office number, account number, and 2-digit check number


Item Sequence

Not available until CIM GOLD version 7.8.18. This record is found on the Loans > Original Loan Disclosure screen. Must have institution option TREE set.

Up to 3 digits


See also:

Chain of Debt New to Old


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