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Loan Master LN

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Loan Master LN

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this section of the GOLDWriter Mnemonic Dictionary provides the CIM GOLD source location and entry details for GOLDWriter field mnemonics within the Loan (LN) Master Record category.




The contents of this manual are organized by Record, as displayed in the left tree view during the second step of the GOLDWriter Report Wizard process (as shown in the screenshot above). Follow the links below to view information about the fields available within each Record. See Loan Master LN fields for information about fields specifically assigned to the Loan Master LN record itself.


Records in Order of Appearance in Tree View

Records in Alphabetic Order

Loan Master LN fields

Investor Master IM

Investor Group IG

Tax and Stat LT

Name and Address MN

Reserve Disbursement RD

History LH


Mult Borrowers MB

Credit Bureau BU

Insurance IN

User Defined UF

Property Info IP

Lien Holder IL

Type Desc LY

Misc Flds ML

Bill Statement BR

Loan UCC C0

Loan Extension EX

Loan Pmt Rate Calculation LZ

Modification Record MF

Renewal Record RE

Tracking Misc Items TM

Commercial Loan Property PZ

LIP Budget Detail LX

Mortgage Servicing Rights MR

Collection Account QA

Loan Miscellaneous Fees FO

Amortizing Fees F1

Office of Loan OB

Loan Notepad NP

Average Balance Fields AV

Collection Officer QI

Original Totals OT

Avg Balances AV

Bankruptcy BK

Foreclosure FC

Payoff Record PO

Deferments D0

RLOC Billings B5

Loan Officer LO

LOC Sub Limits LS

Vehicle and Equipment (First) C3

Collection History QH

Loan Rate Table RT

CIF Name Information NI

Vehicle C3

Reserve Disbursement Extension RE

Teller Processing L2

More Payoff Fields MP

Insurance Tracking RE

Motor Club MC

Collateral UCC C0

Collateral Securities C1

Collateral Personal Property C2

Collateral Vehicles C3

Collateral Power Sports C4

Collateral Outdoor Pwr Equip C5

Collateral Life Insurance C6

Collateral Real Estate C7

Collateral Inventory C8

Promo records NL

OneTime ACH AutoPay AS

Personal Property PP

Misc Loan Record Fields M1

Promise Tracking QP

Payment Schedule P5

Collateral Detail CF

Ancillary Products A1

Easy Pay ACH Autopay AS

Recurring ACH Information RA

Account Identifier Code A3

Account ACH Information AU

CP2 Deferment D1

Account Bankruptcy Information BA

Account Alert Record CM

Account ACH Information AU

Account Alert Record CM

Account Bankruptcy Information BA

Account Identifier Code A3

Amortizing Fees F1

Ancillary Products A1

Avg Balances AV

Average Balance Fields AV

Bankruptcy BK

Bill Statement BR

CIF Name Information NI

Collateral Detail CF

Collateral Inventory C8

Collateral Life Insurance C6

Collateral Outdoor Pwr Equip C5

Collateral Personal Property C2

Collateral Power Sports C4

Collateral Real Estate C7

Collateral Securities C1

Collateral UCC C0

Collateral Vehicles C3

Collection Account QA

Collection History QH

Collection Officer QI

Commercial Loan Property PZ

CP2 Deferment D1

Credit Bureau BU

Deferments D0

Easy Pay ACH Autopay AS

Foreclosure FC

History LH

Insurance IN

Insurance Tracking RE

Investor Group IG

Investor Master IM

Lien Holder IL

LIP Budget Detail LX

Loan Extension EX

Loan Master LN fields

Loan Miscellaneous Fees FO

Loan Notepad NP

Loan Officer LO

Loan Pmt Rate Calculation LZ

Loan Rate Table RT


LOC Sub Limits LS

Misc Flds ML

Misc Loan Record Fields M1

Modification Record MF

More Payoff Fields MP

Mortgage Servicing Rights MR

Motor Club MC

Mult Borrowers MB

Name and Address MN

Office of Loan OB

OneTime ACH AutoPay AS

Original Totals OT

Payment Schedule P5

Payoff Record PO

Personal Property PP


Promise Tracking QP

Promo records NL

Property Info IP

Recurring ACH Information RA

Renewal Record RE

Reserve Disbursement RD

Reserve Disbursement Extension RE

RLOC Billings B5

Tax and Stat LT

Teller Processing L2

Tracking Misc Items TM

Type Desc LY

Vehicle and Equipment (First) C3

Vehicle C3

User Defined UF

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