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Setting Up Recurring Payments

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Setting Up Recurring Payments

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Note: Your institution must have Institution Option FPRA enabled in order to set up recurring ACH payments.


You can set up recurring payments using the Recurring field group on the Payment Information screen, or by clicking the EZPay link at the bottom of the screen and setting up recurring payments from there.  



IMPORTANT: These steps are only available with CIM GOLD versions 7.8.18 or older. If you upgrade to version 7.9.3 or higher, you can only set up recurring payments by clicking <Add/Modify> on the ACH Payments tab. See the help for that tab for more information.


In order to do this, you need to be aware of a few options that affect recurring payments.


If the loan Frequency code is anything greater than 12 (floating (13), semi-monthly (24), bi-weekly (26), weekly (52)), the recurring payment must be done according to the rules set by the Recurring days prior to Due Date Effective field.


If your institution collects a fee for each recurring payment, you need to set up the General Ledger account for the fee to be credited to on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type screen using the EZPay Fee field. However, if institution option EGPO (EZPay G/L Posting By Office) is set, the system uses the G/L account in either the Credit/Debit Card Fee or the ACH Fee (depending on what type of payment is being made; check/ACH or credit/debit card) for the applicable office on the G/L Accounts tab on the GOLD Services > Office Information screen. See the Fees topic in the EZPay help for more information.


If this loan has a modified payment schedule set up (using the Loans > Transactions > CP2 screen, Payment Schedule tab), the amount defaulted into the Payment Amount field on that screen for recurring payments will reflect the amount from the payment schedule. This is ignored when the Override Payment Amount is used with a recurring payment.


See the instructions for setting up recurring payments with and without Option FPRA below.



WARNING: If you set up a recurring payment, and then later the loan frequency is changed, you will need to discontinue the recurring payment, and then restart it using the new frequency. See Changing the Loan Frequency for more information.


hmtoggle_arrow1Recurring Payments with FPRA:


hmtoggle_arrow1Recurring Payment without FPRA:


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