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ACH Payments tab

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ACH Payments tab

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The ACH Payments tab on the Payment Information screen shows information concerning any recurring or one-time ACH payments, as well as any external checking accounts connected to this account. This tab is mostly for informational purposes only.

blueminustoggleSet Up Recurring or One-time Payments
blueminustoggleCanceling Recurring or One-time Payments
blueminustoggleAlternative Company ID
blueminustoggleOptions that Affect Recurring Payments



Note: An EZPay option must be set if your institution wants to allow one-time payments to be set up in addition to recurring payments. For example, if a customer already has recurring payments set up, but they'd like to make an additional payment because they have extra funds available, the Allow One Time with Recurring EZPay option must be set.


The EZPay options are set up by your GOLDPoint Systems account manager in the EZPay IMAC Table. Contact your account manager if you would like this option set up for your institution.


If you get the following error message after trying to set up a one-time payment at the same time as a recurring payment, you know that this option has not been set up for you and recurring and one-time payments are not allowed together.


"Error processing one-time payment. Error: BLPP: Loan has a recurring."


GOLDPoint Systems Only: The EZPay IMAC Table is found under GOLDPoint Systems > EZPay IMAC Table on the left tree-view in CIM GOLD. This option, Allow One Time with Recurring, is on the Recurring tab.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The Cycle Code field (LNACYC) in the FPLN record must be set to "255" in order for recurring ACH payment records to process correctly. If that field is not set up correctly, customers will not be able to run recurring payments. Even if you set up a recurring payment record (without LNACYC being set to "255"), the system will not read the recurring payment and the system will not pull it.


Use the Host Record Viewer to set the Cycle Code (LNACYC) in the Loan Master record (FPLN).


Additionally, if you are creating recurring payments through an init, you must also set the RABYDU (Cycle By Due Date) field in the FPRA record to "Y" for all Payment Frequencies greater than "12."


To add a credit or debit card recurring or one-time payment, see the Card Payments tab.

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