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Loan Information fields

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Loan Information fields

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The unlabeled fields in the top half of the Loan Information tab (see highlighted region below) are used to indicate basic information about the selected account.




Note: The Recurring field group only shows on this tab if your institution uses the legacy automatic payment Cycle Code (LNACYC) instead of the recurring payments record (FPRA). We are phasing out this function, but if your institution still uses it and you want to know more about these fields, see the Recurring Payments with Automatic Loan Record (LNACYC not 255) topic.


The fields in this field group are as follows:




Payment Method


Mnemonic: LNPMTH

This field displays the payment method code. The payment method code determines how to calculate interest and what rules to follow in processing the loan account. See below for more information.




Mnemonic: LNFREQ

If this is an interest-bearing loan (payment method 6) you can use this field to change the frequency of payments for the borrower. See below for more information.


Last Day


Mnemonic: LNLAST

Check this box if this borrower wants to use the last day of the month, rather than the fourth occurrence of the day of the week of the month, as the loan payment Due Date (below). This option is only available for Frequency code 13 (floating, see above).

Due Date


Mnemonic: LNDUDT

This is the current due date of the loan. See below for more information.


Due Date Day


Mnemonic: LNDUDY

Use this field to indicate the date payment is due each month (for example, if "15" is entered in this field, the payment Due Date will be the 15th of each month). See below for more information.


Open Date


Mnemonic: LNOPND

This field displays the date the loan was opened or funded. The system automatically supplies this information when a new loan (680 tran code) is performed. For precomputed loans (payment method 3), this field is one of the keys for calculating rebates.



Mnemonic: LNTERM

This is the term of loan payments to pay off this loan. The term is in months, so if the loan Frequency (above) is changed to something other than months, this number still reflects the number of months to pay off the loan.

Maturity Date


Mnemonic: LNMATD

This field contains the date the last payment is due and the loan should be paid off. It is pulled from the Maturity Date field on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.


If the Stop Recurring Payment at Maturity option is selected, recurring payments will be rejected after the loan reaches the Maturity Date. See the definition below for more information.


If Institution Option RMTD is set, the system rolls the Maturity Date each time a deferment is made. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager if you want this option set up for your institution.

Stop Recurring Payment at Maturity


Mnemonic: LNASTP

Check this box if you want recurring payments to stop once the loan has reached maturity. The system will reject all recurring ACH payments after the Maturity Date. The Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing report (FPSRP013) lists all ACH payments that rejected because the recurring payment was made after the Maturity Date, and this option is set for that account. A user would then need to remove recurring payments from the account on the EZPay screen and follow your institution's best practices, which could include calling the borrower and setting up future one-time payments to pay off the loan.


The system automatically defaults to halting recurring ACH payments at maturity, but this default can be overridden using this field and Institution Option DSAM.


See also:

Recurring Payments on the EZPay screen



Note: Recurring payment transactions will be stopped only if they are made after the actual Maturity Date. Transactions effective on the Maturity Date will still be posted.

Applied To Payment/Partial Payment


Mnemonic: LNPRTL

This field serves two different purposes, depending on whether or not the account is a simple-interest loan (payment method 6). See below for more information.


P/I Constant


Mnemonic: LNPICN

This is the regular monthly payment on the loan. This amount includes principal and any interest. If you change the Frequency for this loan (see above) and click recalcpibutton, the principal and interest payment will be recalculated based on the new frequency payment, the Principal Balance (below) left on the loan, the Interest Rate on the loan (see below), and the remaining payments until the loan reaches maturity. The Remaining Payments til Maturity field is on the Loans > Transactions > CP2 screen, Payment Schedule tab.

Next P/I Constant


Mnemonic: LNPINX

The next P/I constant replaces the P/I Constant (above) as the amount to divide between principal and interest on a payment when the due date is advanced by the system to be greater than the P/I effective date, which is the date found in the Next P/I Constant Effective Date field below.


If a modified payment schedule is set up for this account using the Payment Schedule tab, this will be the modified amount set up on the payment schedule.

Next P/I Constant Effective Date


Mnemonic: LNPIEF

This field contains the principal/interest effective date, which is the date that the Next P/I Constant should replace the P/I Constant (see above). This field, in conjunction with the Next P/I Constant field, can be used to make a payment change in the amount of money applied to principal and interest. (This is the payment due date for the new principal and interest payment.)


If this loan has a modified payment schedule (using the Loans > Transactions > CP2 screen, Payment Schedule tab), this will be the next date the payment schedule changes.

Interest Rate


Mnemonic: LNRATE

This is the current interest rate for the selected loan.

Principal Balance


Mnemonic: LNPBAL

This field displays the unpaid principal balance of the loan. This field is used when recalculating the principal and interest payment when a loan Frequency is changed (see above).

Last Payment Date


Mnemonic: LNDTLP

This field shows the date that the last payment was posted. If a payment reversal (tran code 608) occurs, the system will look in the history for the previous last payment date and enter that date in this field. The last payment date is reported to the credit bureau and is updated as payment activity occurs on the loan.



Note: The loan transaction 590 (Charge LIP Interest to LIP Undisbursed Balance) also updates the date of last payment. However, the reversal of this transaction will not change the last payment date.



Note: If institution option NDLP is not set and a deferment was recently run, this field will display the deferment date.

Last Payment Amount


Mnemonic: LNLPMA

This is the amount of the last loan payment the account owner made on the Last Payment Date above. See below for more information.


Last Transaction Date


Mnemonic: LNTRAN

This field contains the date of the last transaction on this account. The system supplies this date through the teller transactions, and the field is not file maintainable. This field is also updated by tran code 520 (Assess finance charge) for line-of-credit loans (payment method 5). Backdated Transactions: If a transaction is backdated, this field will display the backdated effective date, not the date the transaction was actually processed.

Due Date Last Rolled


Mnemonic: LNROLL

This is the date the Due Date (above) was last rolled due to an over payment or the amount in the Applied To Payment field reached a full payment, thereby rolling the Due Date ahead by one frequency. See below for more information.


Original Installment Number


Mnemonic: LNOINO

This is the original number of payments on the loan when the loan was originated. This field is transferred over from GOLDTrak PC using the NBR_OF_PAYMENT (No. Pmts) field on the application. This information is helpful when researching deferment payments. Also see the help for Current Installment Number below.

Current Installment Number


Mnemonic: LNCINO

The Original Installment Number (above) and Current Installment Number are the same, and stay the same throughout the life of the loan, unless one or both of the following occurs on the loan:


1.The loan frequency is changed. If the loan frequency is changed, the Current Installment Number increases or decreases accordingly. For example, if the Current Installment Number is 100 for monthly payments, and the Frequency is changed to weekly (see above), the Current Installment Number is increased to 400. However, the Original Installment Number stays the same. The Original Payment Frequency field below displays what the payment frequency was when the loan was originated.


2.If a deferment or loan extension is applied to the loan, the Original Installment Number remains static and the Current Installment Number advances the number of frequency cycles that the account was deferred/extended. Installments/payments that are made that roll the due date update the Installments Made field below.

Installments Made


Mnemonic: LNINNO

This field displays the number of payments made on the loan so far.

Original Payment Frequency


Mnemonic: LNFRQO

This is the original payment frequency when the loan was originally opened. You can change the frequency using the Frequency field above.


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