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Interest tab

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Interest tab

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Use this tab to view and edit information about interest features on the product being created/edited. Most of the fields on this screen are only available if the Interest feature field is marked on the top of the screen. For more information about creating product codes, see the Entering Product Codes help page.


Interest features for individual customer accounts can be adjusted on the Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen as well as the Interest Fields field group on the Account Information screen. Interest rates must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Table screen before they can be used on this screen.



Deposits > Definitions > Product Codes Screen, Interest Tab


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Rate Sensitive


Mnemonic: PCVART

Use this field to indicate whether the product is rate sensitive. Being rate sensitive means that on the Effective Date of the product's selected Rate Pointer, the rate will change accordingly for all customer accounts using the product code.


This field must be left blank and the Pay Interest on Uncollected Funds field below must be marked in order to select "02 - Cycle Average Balance" in the Interest Balance Code field below.

Tier Sensitive


Mnemonic: PCVATR

Use this field to indicate whether the product is tier sensitive. Being tier sensitive means that, on the effective date for the tier pointer on your institution's Tier Table, tiers will change accordingly for all accounts using the Tier Table.


Rate tiers must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Tiers screen before they can be used on this screen.

Blended Rate


Mnemonic: PCBLRT

Use this field to indicate whether the product uses a blended rate. Blended interest rates requires the use of a tier table. If blended rates are in use, interest is accrued differently on different segments of the account balance. One interest rate is assigned to the portion of the account from $.01 to the first tier level, another interest rate to the portion of the account from the first tier level to the second tier level, and another interest rate to the portion of the account from the second tier level to the third tier level.


Rate tiers must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Tiers screen before they can be used on this screen.

Interest During Grace Days


Mnemonic: PCINGR

Use this field to indicate whether interest is posted to the customer account during the grace period, if the product is a Certificate account.


Features for customer certificate accounts can be adjusted on the Certificate Fields tab of the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen as well as the Certificate Fields field group on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen.

Anniversary Interest


Mnemonic: PCIANV

Use this field to indicate whether interest is posted to the product on its anniversary date, if the product is a Certificate account. If option "000 - Never Post Interest" is selected in the Interest Frequency field below, the Post Interest at Maturity field below must be marked in order for this option to be used. See below for more information.


Deposit Delay


Mnemonic: PCDEEP

Use this field to indicate whether the product uses deposit delay. Deposit delay requires all checks deposited into a customer account to be held a specified number of days before the customer can use the funds. When this field is marked, no interest is calculated during the hold. See below for more information.


First Tier is Zero Rate


Mnemonic: PCT1ZR

Use this field to indicate whether the product will allow interest to be earned on the portion of the account that falls within the first tier level (a mark in this field indicates that interest will not be allowed). Rate tiers must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Tiers screen before they can be used on this screen.


For example, this field is marked and the first tier balance limit is $50.00. After a transaction, the customer account has a balance of $49.00. Interest will not be accrued on the account because the first $50.00 falls within the first tier.

Post Interest at Maturity


Mnemonic: PCIMAT

Use this field to indicate whether the product will pay interest at maturity, if the product is a Certificate account. If option "000 - Never Post Interest" is selected in the Interest Frequency field below, then interest will only post at maturity. If the Interest Frequency field is set to any other option, interest will post based on the selected frequency and at maturity.

Tier on Balance Change


Mnemonic: PCTRBC

Use this field to indicate whether the product automatically recalculates the interest rate according to the customer account's Tier Table when the account balances changes. Rate pointers and rate tiers must first be set up respectively on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Table and Rate Tiers screens before they can be used on this screen.

Tier on Available Interest


Mnemonic: PCTRAI

Use this field to indicate whether the product automatically recalculates the interest rate according to the account Tier Table when the account balance changes because of available interest (if the product is a Certificate account). Rate tiers must first be set up on the Deposits > Definitions > Rate Tiers screen before they can be used on this screen.

Pay Interest on Uncollected Funds


Mnemonic: PCIUCF

Use this field to indicate whether the product will pay interest on uncollected funds (UCF).


To learn more about UCF, see the Uncollected Funds Types and Options help page. UCF are set up on individual customer accounts from the Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab of the Deposits > Account Information > Funds Holds screen as well as the Uncollected Funds Options field group on the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen.


This field must be marked and the Rate Sensitive field above must be left blank in order to select "02 - Cycle Average Balance" in the Interest Balance Code field below.

Conditional Offset


Mnemonic: PCCNOF

Use this field to indicate whether the product's Interest Rate Offset below is a conditional offset. See below for more information.


Penalty Code


Mnemonic: PCPNCD

This field contains the penalty code assessed on certificate accounts using this product code for early withdrawal or for closure before the maturity date. It is only used if the certificate feature is set and there is a value in this field. See below for more information.


Interest Rate Offset


Mnemonic: PCROFF

Use this field to indicate an interest rate offset or margin for the product. Any value entered in this field will be used in the calculation of a product's base interest rate. See below for more information.


Days Before Month-End Interest


Mnemonic: PCDYME

Use this field to indicate the number of days before monthend that the system should post interest on the product. This option is generally used for products that are set up to receive interest checks, as designated by selecting "01 - Pay interest By Check" in the Interest Destination field below.

Days Before Maturity Interest


Mnemonic: PCDYMT

Use this field to indicate the number of days before monthend that the system should post interest on the product, if the product is a Certificate account. This option is generally used for products that are set up to receive interest checks, as designated by selecting "01 - Pay interest By Check" in the Interest Destination field below.


Features for customer certificate accounts can be adjusted on the Certificate Fields tab of the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen as well as the Certificate Fields field group on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen.

Interest Method


Mnemonic: PCINMT

Use this field to indicate the desired method to pay interest on the product. See below for more information.


Interest Balance Code


Mnemonic: PCINBC

Use this field to indicate which balance to use when calculating payment interest on the product. See below for more information.


Interest Destination


Mnemonic: PCIDST

Use this field to indicate what to do with interest when it is posted to the product. Interest is always posted to the product and then withdrawn when this field indicates a transfer to another account. See below for more information.


Interest Frequency


Mnemonic: PCINFQ

Use this field to indicate how often interest posts on the product. See below for more information.


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