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Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab

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Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab

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Use this tab to view and edit information about uncollected funds (UCF) on the customer deposit account. Uncollected funds are usually entered when checks are deposited through GOLDTeller (see the Deposit Transaction Hold Setup help page for more information). However, users with proper security clearance can also enter funds holds on this tab. Only one UCF record is displayed on the screen at a time and each screen displays one day's data.


In order to access UCF options, the Account Uses Uncollected Funds field on this or the Deposits > Account Information > Additional Fields screen must be marked. To learn more about UCF, see the Uncollected Funds Types and Options help page. UCF are set up on customer accounts from this tab as well as the Uncollected Funds Options field group on the Additional Fields screen.


Deposits > Account Information > Funds Holds screen, Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab

Deposits > Account Information > Funds Holds screen, Uncollected Funds and Deposit Delay tab


The list view at the top of this screen displays a record of UCF holds and deposit delays that have been set up for the customer account. Select a UCF/Deposit Delay item in this list to view and edit that item's information in other fields on this screen. Click <Create New> to use the fields on this screen to create new uncollected funds and deposit delay records to add to the list.


The Grand Totals field (mnemonic DMUFCH) beneath the list view displays the grand totals for UCF and deposit delays that have been set up for the customer account (and have not yet expired). If new UCF and deposit delay records are created, the totals in this field will adjust accordingly.


The Current Account Balance field (mnemonic DMCRBL) displays the current balance of the customer account. See below for more information.


hmtoggle_arrow1Current Account Balance details


The Date of Uncollected Funds Hold/Deposit Delay field (mnemonic DUDTUF) displays the date of the selected UCF or deposit delay record.


The field groups on this tab are as follows:

Uncollected Funds field group

Deposit Delay field group

Current Totals field group

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