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Deferments are not allowed on the Make Loan Payment screen unless GOLDPoint Systems sets your institution up with these capabilities.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To enable deferments on the Make Loan Payment screen, access GOLDPoint Systems > IMAC Tables screen, then select "INSTDFRT" (Institution Deferment Table, Index 212) from the table.


If the institution you are setting up is not listed, click <Add Entry> and include the Deferment transaction code and modifier that you want GOLDTeller to bring up after users click <OK> from the Make Loan Payment screen.


When you select the Deferments radio button in the Payment Selection field group, the system automatically places the amount required for a deferment in the Transaction Amount field. Note: The Defement Inquiry box on this screen also shows how many deferments are allowed on the account and the amount, as shown below. You can change the Effective Date field and click the equalbutton button to see the deferment charge based on that effective date.




The amount to charge for deferments is based on the Deferment Code, as set up during loan origination. Your institution may use different rules and calculations for different deferments (e.g., holiday deferments, regular deferments, hardship deferments). See the help on the Loans > Deferments screen for more information on deferment calculations.


GOLDPoint Systems can tie any deferment you want to this transaction. Once you select the Deferment radio button, select whether this a Cash or Check transaction, enter an Effective Date, and click <OK>, the system can bring up any of the following deferment transactions:


Tran Code 2270-01, Deferment Inquiry

Tran Code 2270-02, Deferment Notice

Tran Code 2600-11, Deferment Payment (Override)

Tran Code 2600-13, Deferment by Code

Tran Code 2600-18, CP2 Deferments

Tran Code 2600-23, EZPay Def by CC

Tran Code 2600-35, Deferment with Reason

Tran Code 2600-50, Fee Reg Deferment or Balboa Deferment


Or you can have the system bring up the Deferment Inquiry transaction (tran code 2270-01), followed by the Deferment by Code transaction (tran code 2600-13).


Deferment Options


In order for your company to allow deferments, the following options must be set up by your GOLDPoint System client solutions specialist:


1.The Deferment Charge Rebate/Extension Fee field on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type screen must contain a valid General Ledger number. This is the General Ledger account used for crediting or debiting deferment and extension funds.


2.The number of deferments allowed per customer account per year must be indicated using Institution Option DFRM.


3.The number of deferments allowed over the life of a customer account must be indicated using Institution Option DFRL.


4.For deferments requiring a flat fee (Deferment Code 7), the deferment fee amount must be indicated using Institution Option DFFF.


5.Institution option OP02 STRN must be set to "Y." This is a special option that allows specific transactions, such as the Deferment transactions, to be run.


6.If your institution wants the Maturity Date advanced after the transaction is processed, enable Institution Option OP08-RMTD (Roll Maturity Date on Deferment).


See also:

Payment Selection field group

Deferment Transactions

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