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Tran Code 2270-02, Deferment Notice

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Tran Code 2270-02, Deferment Notice

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The Deferment Notice transaction (tran code 2270-02) is automatically initiated after the Deferment by Code transaction (tran code 2600-13) or Deferment Payment (tran code 2600-11). The notice is institution-defined and can be tied to a document with your specifications.


For example, some institutions might want to tie a document that must be signed by the borrower. Additionally, you can attach the notice to File Services Plus, so a record of the notice can be kept on the system.


See the following example of this transaction:




Once you click sendbutton2, this transaction prints a notice that you can give to the customer and attached to File Services Plus. The notice can be set up to your institution's standards. Send in a work order or call your GOLDPoint Systems account manager if you want to make changes to this notice.


The following is an example of what this notice might look like:




See also:

Deferment Payment Transaction (tran code 2600-11)

Deferment by Code Transaction (tran code 2600-13)

Deferment with Reason Transaction (tran code 2600-35)

Deferment Inquiry Transaction (tran code 2270-02)

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