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Interest Information field group

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Interest Information field group

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The Interest Information field group on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen contains information about interest for the account.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Accrual Rate


Mnemonic: LNAMRT

This field displays the interest rate to five decimal places at which interest should accrue (9.37500). This is the interest rate on ARM loans (payment method 7).

Per Diem


Mnemonic: ASBADIEM

The amount in this field is one day’s accrued interest of the principal balance plus deferred interest, or the LIP undisbursed balance for LIP loans (AKA construction loans). See below for more information.


Interest Rate


Mnemonic: LNRATE

This field displays the interest or payment rate to use on this loan. The information in this field is brought over during loan origination. If you have proper security, you can make changes to this field. See below for more information.


Interest Accrued to Today


Mnemonic: BATYDINT

This field displays the amount of interest that has accrued through the current day since the loan was opened. This field is calculated each time the screen is accessed.

Interest Due/Accrued / To



This field is titled differently depending on the payment method code. For payment method 0 (conventional loans), it is Interest Due, meaning the interest due with the payment that is due on the next due date.


For all other payment method codes, it is Accrued. As accrued interest, it includes unpaid interest up to but not including the date last accrued. See below for more information.


Interest Due


Mnemonic: LN20ID

This field only appears for Payment Method 20 (Daily Periodic) loans. This payment method has not yet been released, so documentation is not yet available.

Date Interest Paid To


Mnemonic: LNPDTO

This is the date, calculated with each payment, up to which interest has been paid on the loan. See below for more information.


Year-to-Date Interest Paid


Mnemonic: LNYTDI

This is the total amount of interest that a customer has paid on this loan in the current calendar year beginning January 1. It is cleared at the end of each year. This field is maintained by the system. It cannot be file maintained by the user. This field does not include the deferred interest paid this year.  For year-end reporting to the IRS, this field is added to the Year-to-Date Deferred Interest Paid field on the Statistics tab. This field also does not include LIP interest.


This field does not update if the selected customer loan account is a precomputed loan with a pre-payment penalty.


If an assumption has been processed on this loan, the Year-to-Date Interest Paid field clears to 0 and then begins tracking the interest paid by the new buyer.

Fixed Rate Expires (MM/YY)


Mnemonic: LNFREX

This field allows the loan to act like a fixed rate loan until it reaches the month and year entered in this field, at which time it becomes a floating rate loan based on the Interest Rate Pointer entered. Enter the date using MM/YY format. The fixed rate is based on the Interest Rate field above.


This field can be used with payment methods 0, 5, and 6.

Interest Calculation Method


Mnemonic: LNIBAS

This field indicates what basis to use in calculating loan interest. See below for more information. Also see Interest Calculation Method examples, as this field is very important. This field determines what number of days to use to calculate the P/I Constant. Once this field has been established through loan origination, it should not be changed, unless this information was boarded with incorrect information (user error). The method of calculating interest must be disclosed to borrowers. If you have security clearance, you can change this field if this situation (boarded with wrong Interest Calculation Method) occurs.


Original APR/Rate



These fields display the original annual percentage rate (APR) and interest rate of the loan.


The Original Rate does not change if the current interest rate changes. However, in the rare event that changes do need to be made to this field, you must have proper security clearance.



Note: To restrict Original Rate from being file maintainable, check the LNORTE - Original Rate box under Record Type CFLN (Loan Master) on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Field Level Security screen.

Total Interest Paid


Mnemonic: LNAIPD

If applicable, this field displays the total amount of interest paid on the account through the present date.


This field is updated by the system and cannot be edited by the user.

YTD Deferred Interest


Mnemonic: LNYTDD

This field displays the amount of deferred interest that has been paid year-to-date.


This field pertains to deferred interest on interest-bearing (payment method 6) loans. See Deferred Interest on Interest-Bearing Accounts for more information.

Original Deferred Interest


Mnemonic: LNODFI

This field displays the original amount of deferred interest. In the afterhours of the Action Code 172 date, the system totals the amount of deferred interest from the Date Opened to the Action Code 172 date and puts that amount in this field. If you have proper security, you can make changes to this field. However, the field will not be file maintainable unless you have a "5" (Deferred Interest) included with the Payment Application.


This field pertains to deferred interest on interest-bearing (payment method 6) loans. See Deferred Interest on Interest-Bearing Accounts for more information.

Remaining Deferred Interest


Mnemonic: LNRDFI

This field displays the amount of deferred interest that remains after monthly calculations. If you have proper security, you can make changes to this field. However, the field will not be file maintainable unless you have a "5" (Deferred Interest) included with the Payment Application.


This field pertains to deferred interest on interest-bearing (payment method 6) loans. See Deferred Interest on Interest-Bearing Accounts for more information.

Deferred Interest Constant


Mnemonic: LNDICN

This is a calculated field that displays the amount of payment that goes towards reducing the deferred interest each frequency. This field is calculated as follows:
Original Deferred Interest / Original Installment Number (LNOINO) = Deferred Interest Constant (LNDICN).


This field pertains to deferred interest on interest-bearing (payment method 6) loans. See Deferred Interest on Interest-Bearing Accounts for more information. If you have proper security, you can make changes to this field. However, the field will not be file maintainable unless you have a "5" (Deferred Interest) included with the Payment Application.

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