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Analysis Information field group

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Analysis Information field group

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The fields in the Analysis Information field group show information about the total reserve disbursements, low balances, and cushions.




The fields in this field group are as follows. There are two values for each field: This Analysis and Last Analysis.




Total Reserve Disbursements (This Analysis)


Mnemonic: N/A

This field is the total of all reserve disbursement amounts set up on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen. It only includes disbursements that are to be paid by the servicer. (Disbursement code 20 would be included but 21, fire insurance paid by borrower, would not be included.) See below for more information.


Total Reserve Disbursements (Last Analysis)


Mnemonic: ADDSBT

This field is pulled from the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Projections screen and is the total reserve disbursements used in the last analysis projection that was saved.


The amount in the Total Reserve Disbursements - This Analysis field above will move to this field if you save this projection. See the Save Projection section in Analysis Options.

Low Balance (This Analysis)


Mnemonic: N/A

The low balance is based on RESPA requirements and must be less than or equal to 1/6 of the estimated total annual reserve disbursements.


This field is calculated with the online reserve analysis. It is calculated by projecting payments to and from the reserve, making adjustments to the lowest monthly balance to bring it to zero, and then adding one or two monthly reserve payments based on what cushion you have selected. This amount must always be equal to zero, one monthly reserve payment, or two monthly reserve payments. This amount is used to determine if the loan has a surplus, shortage, or deficiency. It will become the “last” low balance if you save this projection. See Analysis Options.

Low Balance (Last Analysis)


Mnemonic: ADLWBL

The low balance is based on RESPA requirements and must be less than or equal to 1/6 of the estimated total annual reserve disbursements.


This field is pulled from the Reserve Analysis Projections screen and is the last analysis that was saved. It is used to determine if you were over the last projection.

Cushion (This Analysis)


Mnemonic: N/A

The cushion is determined by your institution using the Cushion field on the Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab. It represents 0, 1, or 2 monthly reserve payments. See below for more information.


Cushion (Last Analysis)


Mnemonic: ADCSHA

This field indicates the Cushion information from the previous analysis. To see how cushions are calculated and used, see Cushion - This Analysis above.

Analysis Date


Mnemonic: BLEFDT

This field is file maintainable. It defaults to either the next payment date or, in the event the loan due date is in the future, it will default to the loan due date (pulled from the Common Loan Information field group). See below for more information.


Last Analysis Date


Mnemonic: N/A

This field contains the date on which the reserve analysis was last processed for this loan. The system supplies this information as it is pulled from the Last Analysis Date field on the Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab. History for the next analysis begins on this date.

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