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Analysis Fields field group

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Analysis Fields field group

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The fields in this field group allow you to set limits for the reserve analysis. This is for the selected account only. You must have information in the Reserve Effective field (see below) in order for this account to be included in the reserve analysis.




Clicking the <Show Annual Analysis Dates> button opens the Show Annual Reserve Analysis Dates dialog.


The fields in this field group are as follows:




Last Analysis Date


Mnemonic: LNLADT

This field contains the date on which the reserve analysis was last processed for this loan. The system supplies this information, and you are able to file maintain the field. History for the next analysis begins on this date.


See also:

Reserve Analysis Statement (FPSRP339) and Reserve Analysis Report (FPSRP339) on DocsOnWeb

Deficit Amount


Mnemonic: LNRDEX

The reserve deficiency as of the last reserve analysis is stored in this field. The system will supply this information, but you are allowed file maintenance on the field if necessary. This field will be blank if there is no deficit at the time of analysis.

Surplus Amount


Mnemonic: LNNETX

The system enters the surplus amount as of the Last Analysis Date in this field. It is this field that the system uses to create the excess check. Any surplus amounts displayed in this field will either be overwritten or changed to a blank as a new analysis is performed. If an analysis is done via the Reserve Analysis tab, this field is updated when the <Post Analysis> button is clicked.


If the surplus is less than the Surplus Limit Amount from either the institution option (found on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Reserve Analysis Options screen) or the individual Surplus Limit (in the Analysis Limit field group), this amount will be blank (the payment is lowered by the surplus.)

Reserve Effective


Mnemonic: LNANAL

Use this field to indicate when this account should have reserve analysis processed for their reserves. See below for more information.


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