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Analysis Options field group

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Analysis Options field group

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The fields in this field gruop affect how reserve analysis is calculated for this particular loan. Use the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis Options screen to set up institution-wide reserve analysis options.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Skip Analysis


Mnemonic: LNSKPA

This field is a checkbox with a default value of unchecked. This field applies only to the afterhours batch processing and excludes this loan from all afterhours analysis processing. In addition, another way to eliminate a loan from being analyzed is to not set up a Reserve Effective date in the Analysis Fields field group.



Note: There are no hold codes to stop analysis.



WARNING: If the Reserve Effective field is blank and you use payment coupons, the system treats this date as 02-01 and uses that date to stop/start coupons.

Exclude Reserve 2 From Analysis


Mnemonic: LNSKR2

This field is a checkbox with a default value of unchecked. If you do not want to include Reserve 2 in the analysis (both online and the afterhours batch analysis), then checkmark this field. This will exclude Reserve 2 from all calculations on the Disbursement Types and Dates list view and the Online Analysis Projection tab. If there is a Reserve 2 payment amount on the Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail screen, that amount will be included in the New Loan Payment amount. All Reserve 2 disbursements will be displayed in history regardless of whether this field is checked.

If Reserve Deficiency Exists Automatically Add Hold Code 14


Mnemonic: ABHC14

If this field is checkmarked, a hold code 14 will be placed in the first Hold Code field of the loan record indicating to the Loan system that a deficiency was found on this account. The default is a blank box. Hold code 14 indicates that a reserve deficiency exists on this account and requires a teller override to process transactions.



Note: If Hold Code 1 already contains a hold code, then hold code 14 will replace it.

Shortage Option


Mnemonic: ABSHTB

This is where you choose which shortage option to use. See below for more information.


Deficiency Option


Mnemonic: ABDEFB

This field is where you choose which deficiency option to use. See below for more information.


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