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Deferment Transactions

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Deferment Transactions

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Deferment transactions vary from institution to institution. This section describes each of the deferment transactions available. However, your institution may only use two or three of these. Add the specific deferment transactions to your teller transaction menu, as described in the Menu Design topic in the CIM GOLDTeller User's Guide.


See the following information concerning each of the deferment transactions:


Tran Code 2270-01, Deferment Inquiry

Tran Code 2270-02, Deferment Notice

Tran Code 2600-11, Deferment Payment

Tran Code 2600-13, Deferment by Code

Tran Code 2600-17, No Rules

Tran Code 2600-18, CP2 Deferments

Tran Code 2600-20, Hardship Deferments

Tran Code 2600-23, EZPay Def by CC

Tran Code 2600-35, Deferment with Reason

Tran Code 2600-43, Journal-only Deferment

Tran Code 2600-50, Fee Reg Deferment or Balboa Deferment


Note: We suggest users first run the Deferment Inquiry transaction, and then GOLDPoint Systems can tie another deferment transaction to run after the Deferment Inquiry transaction is processed.


Deferments in EZPay


If your institution allows it, you can also run deferment transactions through Loans > Transactions > EZPay screen. See the Deferments topic in the EZPay help for more information. GOLDPoint Systems will likely also need to do some programming so the deferment your institution uses is available through the EZPay screen.


Setup Options


1.The Deferment Charge Rebate/Extension Fee field on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type screen must contain a valid General Ledger number. This is the General Ledger account used for crediting or debiting deferment and extension funds.


2.The number of deferments allowed per customer account per year must be indicated using Institution Option DFRM.


3.The number of deferments allowed over the life of a customer account must be indicated using Institution Option DFRL.


4.For deferments requiring a flat fee (Deferment Code 7), the deferment fee amount must be indicated using Institution Option DFFF.


5.Institution option OP02 STRN must be set to "Y." This is a special option that allows specific transactions, such as the Deferment transactions, to be run.


6.If your institution wants the Maturity Date advanced after the transaction is processed, enable Institution Option OP08-RMTD (Roll Maturity Date on Deferment).



Special Option to Not Report Deferments to Credit Bureaus


An institution option is available that will not report deferments of any kind to the credit repositories during monthend Credit Reporting. This option, OP32 NRDF, stops the K4 Segment of the Credit Reporting transmission from being included. The K4 Segment (Deferred Payments) is used to report deferments, but that will not be included if the NRDF option is set. Any Special Comments that accompanied some deferments (such as natural disaster (AW) or hardship (CP)) are also not included in the Credit Reporting transmission. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager if your institution would like this option set up.


Note: Setting this option does not change previously reported deferments before the option was set. For example, if this option is turned on this month for your institution, but last month loans were reported with a deferment, the past deferments are still reported. Going forward after the option is set, loans in deferment are no longer reported in the K4 Segment (Deferred Payments) of the Credit Report transmission.


See the Credit Report and transmission (FPSRP184) topic for more information.

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