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Tran Code 2600-17, No Rules

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Tran Code 2600-17, No Rules

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The No Rules deferment (tran code 2600-17) overrides any rules for deferments established by the Deferment Code and institution options. For example, limits on number of deferments per year, number of deferments per lifetime of loan, deferment charges: all of these can be overruled by the No Rules deferment transaction.


When users first bring up the No Rules deferment for an account, the system will default the regular payment amount in the Tran Amount field. Users can waive or reduce this charge by deleting or reducing the amount in the Tran Amount and Cash In or Check In fields. You should train front-end tellers what should be entered or whether or not charges can be waived for running this transaction.


This deferment transaction can be used with all loans except the following:


Closed Loans (LNCLSD)

Released Loans (LNRLSD)

Unopened Loans (LNUNOP)

Frozen Loans (Hold Code (LNHLD1 through LNHLD4) = 60)

Loans Locked for Payoff (LNACCD, LNA2CD-LNA9CD, LNA10C = 23)

Loans that have been charged off (LNHLD1 - LNHLD4 = 2)


After this transaction is run, it will affect the loan as follows:


Advances the Due Date (LNDUDT) by one frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.)

Increases Installments Made (LININNO) by one.

For interest-bearing loans (payment method 6), the Date Last Accrued (LNDLAC) is updated to the Effective Date entered on the No Rules transaction.

For precomputed loans (payment method 3), the Date Interest Paid To (LNPDTO) field is updated to the Effective Date entered on the No Rules transaction.

Current Installment Number (LNCINO) is increased by one.

The Last Payment Amount (LNLPMA) is updated with the date the transaction is run.

The Deferred Due Date (D0DUDT) is updated with the date the transaction is run.

If an amount was included with the deferment, the Deferment Amount (D0DFAM) is reflected on the Deferments screen.

The Effective Date (D0DTEF) of the deferment is updated with the date the deferment is run.

The Loan Term (LNTERM) advances by one

The Maturity Date (LNMATD) will advance forward based on the loan frequency. (Note: Only if institution option RMTD is set to “Y.”)

If an amount was entered in the Tran Amount field (the deferment charge amount), it will be credited to the G/L account indicated in the Deferment Charge Rebate/Extension Fee field on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type screen for that loan type.

Updates credit reporting fields, as described in the Credit Reporting section below.


If you want to use this transaction, you must add it to your menu in CIM GOLDTeller. For more information on how to add transactions to the menu see the Menu Design topic in the CIM GOLDTeller User’s Guide.




When you first download this transaction, it may have a different name, such as "Loan-Pmt-Jnl-Bap." We strongly suggest you change the name of this transaction to "No Rules Deferment." For more information on how to change transaction names, see Transaction Entry Options.

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blueminustoggleDeferment Notice
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