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Tran Code 2600-20, Hardship Deferment

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Tran Code 2600-20, Hardship Deferment

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The Hardship Deferment (tran code 2600-20) can be run from within CIM GOLDTeller or from the Loans > Transactions > EZPay screen. There is no charge/fee for running the Hardship Deferment on an account. Your institution's policies will need to be followed regarding which accounts are allowed Hardship Deferments, as well as how many Hardship Deferments are allowed per year or lifetime of loan.


If you do not see the Hardship Deferment in your teller menu, it means your institution doesn't allow Hardship Deferments and you can disregard this help.


The following is an example of this transaction in CIM GOLDTeller:


Click to expand.

Hardship Deferment (tran code 2600-20)
(click to expand)


This is the Hardship Deferment in EZPay:


Click to expand.

Hardship Deferment in Loans > Transactions > EZPay Screen
(click to expand)


In order to run Hardship Deferments from EZPay, your institution must be set up correctly. Your GOLDPoint Systems account manager can help you set up those options. See the Deferment Types topic in the EZPay help for more information.


Once you run the Hardship Deferment, the following information is updated on the account:


Advances the Due Date (LNDUDT) by one frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.)

Increases Installments Made (LININNO) by one.

For interest-bearing loans (payment method 6), the Date Last Accrued (LNDLAC) is updated to the Effective Date entered on the Hardship Deferment transaction.

For precomputed loans (payment method 3), the Date Interest Paid To (LNPDTO) field is updated to the Effective Date entered on the Hardship Deferment transaction.

Current Installment Number (LNCINO) is increased by one.

The Last Payment Amount (LNLPMA) is updated with the date the transaction is run.

The Deferred Due Date (D0DUDT) is updated with the date the transaction is run.

The Effective Date (D0DTEF) of the deferment is updated with the date the deferment is run.

The Loan Term (LNTERM) advances by one.

The Maturity Date (LNMATD) will advance forward based on the loan frequency. (Note: Only if institution option RMTD is set to “Y.”)

Updates credit reporting fields, as described in the Credit Reporting section below.


This deferment transaction can be used with all loans except the following:


Closed Loans (LNCLSD)

Released Loans (LNRLSD)

Unopened Loans (LNUNOP)

Frozen Loans (Hold Code (LNHLD1 through LNHLD4) = 60)

Loans Locked for Payoff (LNACCD, LNA2CD-LNA9CD, LNA10C = 23)





After the Hardship Deferment is run, the system applies Deferment Reason Code 2 to the deferment. Make sure the Deferment Reason description is set up for Code 2 accordingly on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Deferment Reasons screen. We suggest you give Deferment Reason Code 2 the description of "Hardship." See the following example:


Click to expand.

Click to expand.


Deferment Code 2 will affect the Special Comments Codes reported during monthend Credit Reporting. See Credit Reporting below for more information.


If you want to use this transaction, you must add it to your menu in CIM GOLDTeller. For more information on how to add transactions to the menu see the Menu Design topic in the CIM GOLDTeller User’s Guide.

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