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The Report Wizard

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The Report Wizard

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The Report Wizard is used to create and edit GOLDWriter reports. Report Wizard automatically launches when you want to create a new report or edit an old report; or you can click the _bm7 icon to start Report Wizard. When Report Wizard opens, it takes you through a series of seven steps. The report number is automatically assigned by the system, and is displayed in the Report Catalog.


See the following steps for more information.



Step 1: Enter Basic Information

Step 2: Select Fields

Step 3: Create Work Field Columns

Step 4: Enter Row Selection Logic

Step 5: Setup Sorting and Breaks

Step 6: Setup Totals

Step 7: Set Column Order



Note: GOLDPoint Systems has already created many reports for you as examples for you to edit and use. They are PC reports and are assigned numbers 1000 through 1036.


See also:

Appendix A - Special Calculations

Appendix B - Special Loan Field Mnemonics

Appendix C - Report Examples


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