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GOLDTllr.dat File

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GOLDTllr.dat File

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Most of the customization and setup of CIM GOLDTeller is stored in the GOLDTllr.dat file. This is one of the files required for CIM GOLDTeller to work properly. The GOLDTllr.dat file remains on the DB4 Server for each of your branches or offices. This help will indicate which of these setups are required and those that are options.


The majority of these setups are found under the Functions menu and Administrator Options, as shown below:




The screens used to set up the GOLDTllr.dat file are:


Menu Design

PC Branch Settings

PC Institution Settings

Print Form Design

System Configuration

System Field Dictionary

Transaction Design

View/Modify Droplists


Changes made to these screens are applied to the GOLDTller.dat file and all GOLDTeller users connected to the DB4 Server. Using these screens, you can customize which fields appear on transactions, create droplists to be displayed on transactions, manage which transactions appear on the transaction menu, and more. See the links to those screens above for detailed information.


Only users with proper security clearance can make changes to these screens. See Security Setup for CIM GOLDTeller for more information.


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