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Print Form Design

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Print Form Design

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functionicon Functions menu > Administrator Options > Print Form Design


This function is used to create or modify forms and receipts, such as the Balance Sheet, Journal Report, Checks, and Teller Totals. Due to the distinctive and complex layout of forms and their setups, GOLDPoint Systems makes these kinds of changes for your institution. However, once they've been set up, you can make small changes to the forms and receipts as needed. The following topics give a summary idea of how to create and modify a form or receipt.


How to create a new form.

GPS Only: Creating Receipts in WinTerm

GPS Only: Creating Receipts from Text Files

How to modify a form.

Tying Forms to Transactions.

Adding Trademarks and Copyright Symbols to Receipts



You must have a security option set in order to make changes to Print Form Design. See the GOLDTeller Security Features section for security option Forms Design for more information.




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